
As The Clock Struck 12!

Issue 61

The cake had not been cut, no champagne had been sipped and no lovers had waltzed across the dance floor, there was no glass slipper to find and the glimmer of the fairy tale slipped beyond the horizon.

On Friday 31st July at 12.54pm my phone starting ringing, the first call from BBC London eager to find out my views on the latest Government update and wishing for direct contact with couple’s due to host a celebration the very next day.

I explained as I had done previously that I had protected all my clients and postponed their weddings to 2021. I went on to explain the emotional and financial distress for couples and their families with this last-minute decision. I was sympathetic and upbeat, announcing that 2021 will be the year of the wedding.

What I did not say was that by protecting my clients I took the impact professionally and personally not just for 2020 but for 2021 too. What I also did not point out was the damage created in that moment that Friday to the industry. The Government had delayed measures due to come into effect on 1st August, inclusive of hosting a Wedding Reception. What did this mean for the industry with less than 24-hours’ notice?

After months of devastation, emotional and financial distress and watching other hospitality sectors awaken, August was due to bring much relief for the wedding sector. The Government live update came at Midday, concluding just before 1pm on Friday 31st July.

By this point, wedding cakes would have been baked, decorated and ready to deliver, florists would have been up at the crack of dawn to purchase all the flowers from the market and will have been well on their way creating florals structures and arrangements, caterers will have ordered and received food produce and will have been prepping away in their kitchens, venues will have ceased utilising the Furlough Scheme and brought service staff back to work to set up in preparation for the commencement of celebrations, marquees will have been fully installed with all services and furniture hire in place, toilets shipped in and generators delivered, bar companies will have stocked fridges, filled pumps and have all the glassware polished squeaky clean, Make-up artists looking to kick-start their return to work with Bridal Make-up were given the double blow that they can’t return to work at all just yet. I could continue but you get the picture.

The media spun a tale of woe for couple’s countrywide as the industry went into meltdown, small independent businesses, many of which have received no help or support at all from the different schemes available, had been left stranded with all the glitz but no Ball to attend, a huge hole in their pockets and a great big question mark over the survival of their business.

Of course, people will always get married and I am a fair believer that love will conquer, I am hopeful that an industry that provides so much care and attention will be showered in confetti come 2022 and as always I offer support to my colleagues, stay strong and keep smiling.

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