
The Built Environment

Issue 103

Adam Finch - Newcastle-based director at property consultant Eddisons

Did you always envisage a career working in and around The Built Environment?

I never purposely set out to pursue a career in construction! When I was in my early 20s and unsure which career path to take, I decided to enrol on a university course – but couldn’t decide which course. I threw the prospectus down and it opened on Building Surveying. Thankfully, it was the right fit and the rest, as they say, is history.

Tell us about your current role?

Every day is very different. As a director at Eddisons in Newcastle, my role is managing the growing team here in the North East. It also involves generating business opportunities, planning my local business case six months in advance, and making sure all our jobs are being delivered to the highest standard and with excellent client satisfaction. I also manage some interesting capitalfunded projects, which enables me to get out of the office when the sun is shining.

Tell us about your team.

I’m extremely fortunate to work with people I consider friends as well as colleagues. We have a terrific team morale and each of us shares the desire to be the best version of ourselves in both our professional and personal lives.

Our growing team has a great mix, from apprentices through to directors, which helps everyone gain professional experience and creates opportunities to progress. Our apprentice building surveyor Anne, for example, moved from an admin support role.

What are you currently working on?

I’m mainly project managing capital funded refurbishment and expansion projects in the education sector. As the summer holidays approach, this time of year is always stressful as we need to commence work on schools projects work out of term time. I am also working on a number of Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Stage 2 and 3 planning reports for several local authority clients.

I am also involved in a number of heat decarbonisation plans for public sector buildings which will reduce energy consumption. Sustainability and decarbonisation are growth areas of business for Eddisons and we have a specialist team doing some ground-breaking work for clients in this arena.

What is your proudest career achievement?

The journey from setting up a building consultancy practice in Newcastle in 2017 with little more than a biro and a handful of loyal clients, to now managing a team of eight surveyors and offering a multi-disciplinary service.

What is your own favourite building?

It has to be St James’ Park! I love that the stadium has undergone a number of extensions since its original construction in 1880, making it one of the world’s oldest football destinations. If further extensions are feasible the capacity could be increased to 65,000. That would generate some noise on a match day!

How do you see your industry evolving over the next 10 years?

With the tech-based software available to us now, it’s inevitable that we’ll soon see AI introduced. In fact, I am currently working on a few templates that may be adopted by a software company’s AI programme to accelerate design documentation and associated reports. We will also see changes to the building materials and structures used to progress sustainable construction practices as the Government strives to realise net zero goals.

What does the future hold?

Hopefully, further growth for our fantastic Eddisons team in the North East and new business opportunities generated by our excellent reputation in the region.

Who would be your four ideal dinner guests?

Sadly they are not all still with us, but Kevin Keegan, Michelle Keegan, Nelson Mandela and my Granda Tom would make fascinating company.

How do you like to unwind?

Playing golf is one of a few activities where I can totally forget about what is going on in the world and switch off from work pressures. Five hours’ peace and quiet, hitting a little white ball round a field, does me the world of good!

Favourite Boxset?

I have never watched a box set in my life – I can’t sit still for long enough! Football and golf are my main go-to TV.

Favourite Book?

I don’t do much reading – again, mainly because I can’t switch off for long enough, but I do enjoy reading the odd autobiography when I’m relaxing on holiday, preferably while sipping a gin and tonic in the sun.

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