
We Are All Responsible For Creating A Kinder Inclusive Society

Issue 67

Monday the 8th of March, the sun shone, it was International Women's Day and up and down the country people came together to celebrate, learn, and pay kindness forward. It was an incredible day. Then, darkness descended.

As the week went on, the darkness grew much stronger, the realisation that the progression we thought we had achieved during the last Century was not as great as we had hoped. It was difficult to process. By the end of the week, we were witnessing scenes that reflected the black and white images that captured the challenge to oppression from over 100 years ago. We had scratched the surface and exposed that there is still a substantial amount of education and understanding required to achieve an inclusive and kind society. The pandemic has highlighted, throughout the last year, the vast division still existing within Humankind. By the time we arrived at Mother’s Day, the world felt heavy, many people were exhausted by the upset of the inequality, risk, and grief the week had presented, reflecting on my own life, and understanding my experienced expectations of the world, I personally felt frightened. What can I do to make a difference and support the need to deliver change? My thoughts around this question helped me identify the sunshine throughout this shocking week and shone a light on the kindness and inclusivity I had been fortunate to be part of and how I can continue to be part of the conversation to choose to deliver challenge and develop change. I had celebrated IWD with Northern Power Women, the day was spent networking and mentoring young people who were in their early career or studying at University. I listened and learnt from Change Makers at various webinars and on the evening, along with many others, I championed individuals and businesses in their successes. Throughout the week I was involved in projects which provided opportunities to the community, businesses, and individuals. Opportunities developed by people who want to make a difference, want to deliver change, and want to live in a kinder society. I listened to women share their stories at the ‘Women in Sustainability’ event and discussed ‘Discovering our Values and Voice’. It was incredibly inspiring and very insightful but overall an absolute joy learning from other women in a safe and kind environment. It seems there has never been such a need for people to share their stories, choose to challenge and deliver change with value and purpose. I am delighted to be an Ambassador for Be Heard, a new platform launched by Northern Power Women. An opportunity for all voices to be given a seat at the table. The platform www.be-heard.io will serve as an inclusive directory of speakers, providing a valuable tool for agencies, event planners and broadcasters, ensuring an authentic representation of their target audiences. Levelling up across events and the media. Your story is crucial to delivering challenge and change. No voice is too small, all stories are empowering, you and I can absolutely make a difference. Someone out there needs to hear your voice. Society is wonderfully diverse, beautiful, and full of kindness, it is time to choose to challenge and celebrate the kindness to deliver change.

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