
Innovation Station

Issue 91

One of my earliest memories was sat on our doorstep on Beaconsfield Street and me crushing stones, thinking of alchemy and making magic potions, just like out of the Asterix and Obelix Comic Books.

I have always had a deep interest in innovation and from a career perspective have been fortunate to be involved in some significant advances in technology including the role out of the consumer broadband through Blueyonder!

Innovation is game changing, disruptive, and revolutionary – all terms that excite us, triggering visions of a future filled with promise. Behind these ground-breaking innovations are not merely extraordinary technologies or exceptional ideas, but something far more compelling and fun. That is why I developed a three-tiered framework consisting of a toolset, skillset, and mindset, designed to drive impactful change through Yohlar Health.

Innovation Through the Power of Three – I have championed this triumvirate and promote their intricate interplay, which allows innovation to take root and flourish. To help explain this approach:

Toolset – The world of innovation is akin to an artisan’s workshop, teeming with tools waiting to be wielded. But here’s the fun part, our tools aren’t just hammers, wrenches, or screwdrivers. Instead, they come in the form of cutting-edge software, AI algorithms, data analytics, and many more modern technological marvels. The trick lies in knowing which tool to pick, when, and how to use it efficiently.

Skillset – Here’s where things get exciting! Imagine you have the world’s most advanced toolset at your disposal, but you lack the proficiency to use them. It’s like giving the keys of a high-end sports car to someone who can’t drive. Acquiring the right skills, both technical and soft, is a crucial element in the power of three. Be it coding, project management, or leadership – a well-rounded skillset is the engine that drives innovation.

Mindset – The most unpredictable, yet the most thrilling part of the trio is the mindset. It’s the wild card that can turn a good idea into a great one. A growth mindset, one that embraces challenges, learns from mistakes, and understands that effort leads to mastery and achievement, is essential for innovation. The best part? It’s contagious! An innovative mindset can inspire a culture of creativity and lateral thinking.

Making an Impact

At Yohlar Health, we firmly believe that the power of three is instrumental in creating a substantial, transformative impact. It’s not merely about creating the next big app or gadget; it’s about creating solutions that can solve real-world problems, whether big or small. By integrating toolset, skillset, and mindset, we are capable of driving social and economic progress.

For instance, innovations in AI and machine learning, powered by the power of three, are leading to ground-breaking advancements in healthcare, leading to better diagnosis, personalised treatments, and increased accessibility. Similarly, tech-driven innovations in renewable energy sectors, driven by the power of three, are contributing to a more sustainable and cleaner future.

There you have it, folks! The recipe for creating impactful innovations isn’t as daunting as it sounds. It’s all about having the right tools, the right skills, and most importantly, the right mindset. Remember, innovation isn’t a oneoff miracle, but a fun, exhilarating journey. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

If you’re ready to join this amazing journey of innovation and impact, Yohlar is ready to welcome you with open arms. The Power of Three awaits you! Now where was that magic potion recipe…

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