
Why It Pays To Update Your Sales Practices

Issue 96

We believe first and foremost that business should be used as a force for good. We also believe that profit isn't and doesn't have to be a dirty word in this sphere. For it isn't that generating profit is negative but the way you do so and the way you then reinvest or spend it that matters. You can - and I believe should be - profitable; but purpose-driven.

Think People, Planet, Profit AND Purpose.

So, is this relevant in the sales and marketing world? Absolutely!

Being an ethical, responsible, and sustainable business is crucial to us and that portrays itself in every aspect including our sales practices, processes, and principles.

Ask yourself these questions as a starter…

1. How ethical are our sales methods?

2. How responsible are our engagements with all stakeholders?

3. How sustainable are our techniques to create long-term gains over short-term wins?

Operating with these three key questions in mind will help to build trust and credibility within your organisation, both in its brand perception and of its culture. If your prospects and customers believe you are operating in this way and encouraging them to do the same, their loyalty and potential spend is likely to increase. Customer loyalty is key – we are so often operating in highly saturated markets that focus can be on the next sale – but what about customer longevity and customer lifetime value?

If I could increase your existing customer longevity and spend by 10% per annum – what difference would it make to your bottom line? (My details are at the bottom if you want to find out more…!)

Organisations that prioritise responsible and sustainable practices and are transparent about their journey are far more likely to gain a positive reputation, referrals and build networks based on these principles; attracting customers of the same ilk. Take the B-Social we held last month – 60 like-minded people coming together to share our journeys. It isn’t all rosy so let’s stop pretending it is and be honest and frank about what hasn’t worked, what we’ve learned from and support one another in growing. It helps when having those tough conversations be it on price, margin, risk etc. Building relationships with your prospects, customers and all stakeholders alike with these core principles at the heart is the best, and in my mind, the only way.

Sales practices must change. They are outdated and at times quite frankly atrocious. Take a look at your LinkedIn inbox if you don’t believe me. Let’s spend some time training our salespeople to review their practices and processes – think about our methods and take a step out of our businesses to review them from a bird’s eye perspective. Sales and marketing teams require continued professional development and investment. If you haven’t got a team, a person or a focus on these areas and are keen to ensure your business is perceived in line with the above – I know just the company.

Just Williams is a certified B-Corp – we believe in using business as a force for good. We offer outsourced sales and marketing support, consultancy and mentorship.

We would love to chat to you. Contact me or any of my team to find out more.

Twitter @JessicaJAW1903



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