
The Evolution Of Customer Experience: Leveraging Tech For A Competitive Advantage

Issue 100

By Steve Morland, Chief Technology Officer, Leighton

Customer expectations are constantly evolving, driven by advancements in technology and changing market dynamics. The pandemic also had a significant impact, fundamentally altering customer expectations and accelerating the pace of digital transformation.

As many businesses have been forced to adapt to evolving circumstances, it has highlighted the need for innovative technologies and digital solutions to meet the changing needs and preferences of customers. From artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to event-driven architecture, modern businesses have a wealth of tools at their disposal to drive growth and gain a competitive advantage.

The impact of AI

There’s no escaping AI at the moment, but it’s far from just a buzzword. When utilised effectively, AI and machine learning can revolutionise the way businesses interact with customers. By leveraging AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants, companies can provide round-the-clock support, answer customer queries in real-time, and personalise interactions based on individual preferences. These intelligent systems not only improve efficiency and responsiveness but also enhance the overall customer experience, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

Event-driven architecture for real-time responsiveness

Event-driven architecture enables businesses to respond to customer needs and market trends in real-time. By capturing and analysing data from various touchpoints, companies can identify opportunities for engagement and deliver timely, personalised messages and offers. Whether it’s sending targeted promotions based on browsing history or triggering notifications for abandoned carts, event-driven architecture enables businesses to deliver seamless and relevant experiences that resonate with customers.

Embracing digital channels

The shift towards digital channels has become increasingly pronounced, especially in the wake of the pandemic. With restrictions on physical interactions and the closure of many brick-and-mortar businesses, customers have turned to online platforms for their shopping needs, appointments, and communication with businesses. E-commerce platforms, mobile apps, and optimised websites have become essential tools for businesses looking to meet customers where they are – online. By leveraging these digital channels effectively, businesses can provide seamless shopping experiences, convenient appointment scheduling, and responsive customer support, ensuring continuity of service and maintaining engagement with customers in the digital space.

Keeping it contactless

Health and safety concerns led to heightened demand for contactless experiences, prompting businesses to innovate and adapt, but in a post-pandemic world contactless is here to stay. Contactless payment systems, digital menus, and online ordering platforms have become integral to providing safe and convenient transactions for customers, whilst pick-up and delivery services, allow customers to receive their orders without physical contact. By embracing these contactless solutions, businesses can instil confidence in their customers, prioritise their safety, and maintain operational efficiency in a rapidly changing environment.

As customer expectations continue to evolve, businesses must embrace innovative technologies to stay competitive and drive growth. From AI and eventdriven architecture to digital channels and contactless experiences, companies should embrace technology to enhance the customer experience, drive engagement, and build lasting relationships with their customers. By prioritising innovation and investing in the right technologies, businesses can gain a competitive advantage.

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