
Cmyk | Business Technology Deploys Life-saving Device Through Partnership With Red Sky Foundation

Issue 110

CMYK | Business Technology has shown its dedication to community welfare by installing a publicly accessible defibrillator. CMYK purchased the defibrillator during last year's Red Sky Ball. Supported by their clients, Owben, this life-saving equipment is available 24/7 at CMYK's Newcastle headquarters situated on the popular quayside walkway and coast-to-coast route.

CMYK’s long-term association with the Red Sky Foundation has raised thousands of pounds to date. Their recent pledge at the Red Sky Ball at Sunderland’s Beacon of Light led to the installation of the new defibrillator, enhancing their commitment for community healthcare and wellbeing.

Craig Pratt, regional director at CMYK, commented, “We are pleased to have installed this piece of life-saving equipment at our offices, which will serve a busy part of the Newcastle quayside area. We hope it never has to be used, but it’s here to save a life if needed.”

This heartwarming story exemplifies true community spirit, with CMYK’s client Owben stepping forward to make a significant contribution. Not only have they volunteered to install the life-saving device, but they’ve also committed to placing a publicly accessible defibrillator at their Sunderland headquarters, demonstrating remarkable charitable leadership.

Sergio Petrucci MBE, founder of Red Sky Foundation, added; “I’m delighted with the support we receive from our partners and the help we’ve had from CMYK and Owben is evident by seeing firsthand the impact and the physical lifesaving device now in place. While we hope this latest defibrillator is never needed it really does give everyone peace of mind that it’s there and that it can save every heartbeat.”

Sergio remarked; “Red Sky Foundation’s commercial partnerships are instrumental to us saving lives and this is just a brilliant example of how we can all work together for the greater good.”

Andrew Corsar, managing director of Owben commented; “Owben are proud to have partnered with CMYK to deliver a lifesaving piece of equipment at their Newcastle HQ. Owben have partnered with CMYK for several years to provide critical IT solutions to our business. We partnered with CMYK not only for their IT expertise’s but the core community values they hold and demonstrate as a business across the communities we operate in. When Craig approached us to install the defibrillator, we were more than happy to assist.”

Andrew added; “2015 marks the 10-year anniversary of Sergio and Emma’s daughter Lunas lifesaving heart surgery. Owben will pledge to support 10 local businesses that buy a defibrillator at the upcoming Red Sky Foundation Ball, by providing labour to install the units at their premises as our way of acknowledging this huge milestone for both Luna and the Red Sky Foundation.”

Craig concluded; “We urge all organisations and companies to get involved with the Red Sky Foundation, the charity really does make a huge difference in our communities and provides vital support to families during the most difficult and challenging moments.”

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