
Curtis Gabriel's Essential Seo Guide

Issue 46

North East-based Social Media, Digital & Design agency Curtis Gabriel introduce the Essential SEO Guide.

Would you like your business to appear at the top of the rankings when searching for a related term on Google? Or for Alexa to cite your web content as an answer to a query?

With SEO you can achieve this.

SEO can be overlooked by many businesses due to the time it takes for results to show, but when executed correctly and with patience, an SEO strategy can bring endless positives to the business.

As a global community we are stacking up 1.2 trillion Google searches per year – a striking 3.5 billion per day. With an SEO strategy in place, you can get in front of these people when they are searching for a service your business provides.

Anyone can get their website to show up on the Google results pages, but if a website isn’t being displayed on the first page, you aren’t going to see much success. Only 15% of searchers go past the first page to find an answer to their queries. In short – if your website isn’t showing on the first page of Google, you can only expect minimal traffic! Search engine optimisation techniques can be applied to your website in a variety of ways. These are on-page, off-page, technical and content. Each of these play a huge part in where your website will rank on Google.

On-page SEO

Although all the techniques mentioned above are crucial in achieving your aim of climbing up the results page, on-page SEO should be one of your main focus points. On-page SEO refers to the practice of manipulating the information on your website to increase your chances of getting the no.1 spot on Google. This is information such as your page titles, headers, meta titles and keyword usage. Your keywords are what you want your website to show up for when searched on Google. Collectively, these keywords will result in a large volume of traffic being directed toward your website.

Off-page SEO

You need to make use of the whole of the web to enhance your strategy as link building is a vital part of off-page SEO. Getting other websites in your industry, or related to your industry, to make a link from their websites to yours will bring many perks.

It will allow Google bots to see you are a trustworthy website thanks to the link leading to you. You will also benefit from increased website visits from those clicking the link to find out more about your business.

Your business having social media channels which include a link to your website included will also work in your favour.


Technical work is the slightly more complicated side of SEO. One wrong move can bring a website down or negatively affect all current rankings. With technical SEO, we look at increasing the speed, making files smaller or improving the overall running of the back-end of your website.


Content SEO is the process of creating keyword-rich information for your website. This content should be helpful to the reader and provide them with a skill, information or a thought.

Inputting factual, high-quality content on your website will work wonders for your SEO strategy. Not only will Google see the keywords as an indication of what your website is about, it will also show the Google bots that you are proving high quality, interesting information and boost your rankings on the results page.

Including the above four techniques in your marketing strategy will allow you to reach a whole new audience, and over time you will see your website traffic and sales increase dramatically.

Curtis Gabriel’s team of digital experts offer a customised SEO strategy to all our clients to ensure the best results.

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