Depending on your age, the words 'social media' will mean certain things. If you were brought up in the age of the Internet, you'll know what to expect Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.
For those who still struggle to turn on a computer, social media is probably a local newspaper that gets delivered or, shock horror, actually writing and posting a letter. When did you actually write someone a newsy letter and have to go to the Post Office to buy a stamp? When did you last write-out a cheque? There will be a sizeable chunk of the population who can’t remember when they did either of those.
Because they rely 100 per cent on social media.
And that is where April Bowden and her company, Play the Field, come in.
April has the knack of being able to spread the word about your business, your service, your product or even – yes – you. It’s called Digital Marketing.
She’s building an impressive and varied portfolio of clients such as Cussins, the property developer; Lycetts Insurance Broker; Beaconhill Farm Cottages, Major Family Law, Groves Estate Agents, and Turnbull’s Butchers who were actually April’s first ever client.
But why did April call her company Play The Field?
“I’ve always had a love of field sports but it’s a very male dominated pursuit,” said April, “so as part of my degree course I wrote about the need to get more women involved. The title of my dissertation was Play the Field…and it’s sort of stuck. Actually, it sums-up the way digital marketing works because you need to make sure that as many people as possible are aware of your business or product. If you aren’t promoting via social media, you can bet that someone else will be.”Many firms and businesses reading this will know exactly what April means. Everyone is aware that they should be using social media but there’s a mixture of people and firms who either don’t know how to do it or, and this is more likely if you are a small business or even a sole-operator ” – you haven’t got time.
“A large percentage of my clients know that they should be using social media, but they have no idea how to go about it,” added April.
With that in mind, Play the Field is now helping a host of firms in a variety of ways. Many of them leave all of their social media up to April. Typically, she will create content, post on their social media feeds to build a following and manage their website. She can monitor what sort of response the businesses are getting from their digital marketing campaigns. Play the Field can deal with Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) so that whenever various terms and words are typed into something like Google, you or your firm will appear high on the list.
April holds tutorials on digital marketing so that firms can run their own operation. She gives lectures on that topic at Northumbria Uni as well as talking about her experiences in running her own business from a young age. Tutorials can either take place face-to-face, or on-line using Skype or in a workshop format.
Play the Field is now working for over 15 clients, looking after all of their digital marketing on a daily basis.
The best idea is to get in touch with April. She will then look at you and your business and put together a digital marketing package.
Go on. Move into the 21st Century. See what the fuss is all about.
Contact April via her website