
Are You Taking Your Health For Granted?

Issue 67

Surely now is the time to look forward, plan for the future? One thing we have all learnt from this pandemic is that we should never take our health for granted.

As we peer into the coming months/years it’s critical that we learn from our experiences and work out what, and who are important in our life. Finding time to look after our health should be paramount, it will be too easy to drop back into old negative routines and unhealthy habits, so here are a few areas i would suggest you look at now: Alcohol – I’m sure there will be plenty of socialising as lockdown eases. Stats show alcohol consumption has risen in many households – look to cut down now on your alcohol intake and the frequency. This will make you feel more alert and lessen your calorie intake therefore helping shrink your waistline. Exercise – Exercise has proven to boost your immune system and improve your mental health, make sure you find a way to implement this into your life, pre and post lockdown – implying you do not have enough time is not an option, find the time. Sleep – Many of you will be out of your usual routines therefore sleep time tends to suffer. When normality starts to kick back in, consistency of bedtime and wake up time is important to re adjust your body clock. Try to simulate this leading up to the end of lockdown as it will make the transition easier. Cook – During lockdown there has been a huge surge in people learning to cook. Try to continue this hobby using fresh natural ingredients keeping away from fast food. Being organised and cooking your own meals can be the key to weight loss and increased energy levels. Positive Mindset – There is no doubt it’s been a massively tough year with many challenges for everyone. It’s important to look positively to the future, even if it’s just a simple thing such as going out for a meal or the emotional side of hugging your family – they are all steps forward. Many of the most precious things we have missed during lockdown cost very little, we do not need much to be happy and it’s important to remember this

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