
Whey Ai

Issue 90

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is one of the hottest topics in technology right now. You may have heard of it in movies like Terminator, where machines take over the world. But fear not, because AI has a lot of potential benefits too. And the North East is one of the leading areas in the world for AI innovation and development.

So, what is AI? In simple terms, it’s the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, like learning, reasoning, and problem-solving. For example, AI can help doctors diagnose diseases, predict weather patterns, and even drive cars.

Newcastle has a long history of innovation and technology, and it’s no surprise that it’s at the forefront of AI development too. The National Innovation Centre for Data is a great example of how Newcastle is nurturing tech start-ups and businesses to work with data experts and academics to develop innovative solutions using data science and AI. It’s like a playground for techies!

But there are concerns about AI too. In movies like Terminator, machines become smarter than humans and take over the world. And curiously we have Elon Musk and other leaders saying that we should slow down, just like the precursor to the movie. There are also concerns about the impact of AI on employment and privacy.

But we shouldn’t let our fears stop us from exploring the potential of AI. The positive impact it could have on our lives is enormous. For example, AI could help us cure diseases faster, reduce traffic accidents, and even fight climate change. And if we develop AI ethically and responsibly, we can ensure that it benefits everyone, not just a select few.

We should also remember that AI is a tool, not a replacement for human intelligence and creativity. It’s a way to augment human intelligence and solve problems that we couldn’t before.

In the North East, AI is already making an impact in various industries, like healthcare, finance, and manufacturing. AI algorithms can analyse large volumes of data and detect patterns that humans may miss. This is particularly helpful in healthcare, where AI can help doctors diagnose and treat diseases faster and more accurately. In finance, AI can help identify fraudulent activities and make better investment decisions. And in manufacturing, AI can help optimize production, reduce costs, and improve product quality.

The North also has a history of AI development, with one of the earliest examples being the Learning Logic Machine, or LLM, developed at the University of Edinburgh in the 1980s. The LLM was one of the first AI systems that could learn and evolve. It has been used in various applications, including image and speech recognition, and natural language processing.

The potential of AI is enormous, and the North East is leading the way in its development and implementation. While there are concerns about its impact on employment and privacy, we should embrace AI and use it to our advantage.

So, in true Geordie style, and like I would say to my late mother when she asked if I wanted Dhal and Roti – “Whey AI mam”. Let’s explore the potential of AI and use it to make the world a better place.

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