
The New Leadership Agenda

Issue 98

In the ever-evolving landscape we're working in, the environment around us is undergoing a profound shift. This transformation affects how we work, engage with colleagues, and adapt to technological advancements.

The traditional norms and comfort zones we once relied upon have become outdated, triggered by the Pandemic. Just look back five or 10 years, and consider how you worked then. How very different is it now? I know it’s transformed for me.

This change, catalysed by the rapid acceleration of AI over the last 15 months, prompts us to critically assess how we operate as leaders within our organisations. If we are still working as we did 5 years ago – then we’ve missed something! The rise of virtual and hybrid work setups, accelerated by the pandemic, has changed the way we should engage with colleagues and conduct business. Consequently, our approach to relationships and work dynamics needs an overhaul.

AI’s impact on daily tasks to the digitization of work processes is forcing us to adapt, no matter how much we wish to hide, and staying abreast of technological advancements is imperative to avoid falling behind in an ever-changing world.

Combine that with the multi-generational workforces we now have, we see the varied societal influences which have shaped different generations’ values and approaches to work coming through. Treating everyone with a one-size-fits-all approach is no longer working, and instead, we need to be mindful of individual needs and adapt our engagement styles to suit.

The reality is we’re in a decade of change and by 2030-35 how we will be working, living and experiencing the world will be very different. I don’t have a crystal ball but I can look back with some ease and certainty and say this is pretty much predicted .

If you look at the societal patterns seen in the last three centuries in the ’20s, you will see the same patterns we are witnessing now: a pandemic, global migration due to war and famine, changing role of women in society, racial and class tensions, financial insecurity and poverty gaps, and rapid technological advancement which changed society forever. The ’20s are the decade of change in every century – why would it be different this time?

We are in the 4th Industrial Age.

Amidst this transformative landscape, leadership skills play a pivotal role. If we look at the thought leadership coming from the Future Agenda, RSA, McKinsey, PWC, Deloitte, Citrix and futurist thought leaders, we see some common patterns emerging.

21st Century Leadership Model

As leaders, I suggest we have 6 ways we will need to be, making sure we continue to develop as the years progress.

1. Connected: We must exhibit emotional intelligence, active listening, and compassion to engage meaningfully and with our teams, particularly as work-life boundaries blur. They are a whole person.

2. Intentional: We need to be intentional about how we’re connecting with the people in our teams, our colleagues and our stakeholders. We need check in often, give clarity of purpose, of goals and approach, and be hyper aware of our actions and impact.

3. Foresighted: We will need to be forwardthinking, constantly horizon scanning and building our awareness of what is to come. This will impact our strategies, requiring organisation wide thinking and becoming future trend aware.

4. Empowering: We should be leading the way in collaboration and trust-building, nurturing a distributed leadership style, which empowers teams to act independently within a psychologically safe environment. No more hero leader.

5. Become Change Agents: As leaders we must foster an environment where adaptation to change is not only encouraged but embraced, even in ambiguous or complex situations. This means going first.

6. Become Learn-It-Alls: Adopting a growth mindset, and cultivating continuous learning, creativity, and openness to new ideas, will be crucial to ensure readiness for this evolving landscape.

As leaders, embracing these skills and adapting them to our individual needs is vital. Whether developing connections, empowering teams, or embracing change, recognizing our own personal growth areas is pivotal for navigating the coming years.

What change will be required in your leadership stance in 2024, to start you on this journey? And who will support you along the way?

If your development support needs would benefit from one to one, team or group coaching, I can help with that. Contact Annabel via LinkedIn,, or visit

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