
How To Become A More Sustainable Business

Issue 97

Sustainability has been a major buzzword in business for the last few years and with good reason. Climate change is perhaps the gravest threat in our shared history and if businesses don’t band together to do something about it, the consequences could be severe, even in our lifetimes. Sustainability in business isn’t a trend anymore; it’s a necessity and needs to be treated as such.

A sustainable approach to business practices not only benefits the environment but also enhances a company’s reputation, attracts eco-conscious consumers, and ultimately, contributes to long-term success. The growing awareness among consumers about environmental issues and air pollution means that businesses ignoring sustainable practices may risk losing credibility, clients, customers and, eventually, the respect of the wider business community.

4 Easy Steps to Green Success

Transforming into a more sustainable business isn’t something that can be achieved overnight and through just one or two subtle tweaks. It requires a multi-faceted approach and some serious overhauls regarding how you run your business. Here are some of the more practical first steps you should be taking.

1. Recycling – This should go without saying, but implementing comprehensive recycling programs in the workplace is a great start, if you haven’t got one in place already. This includes traditional recycling, composting, and reusing materials whenever possible and ensuring that all staff are behind you.

2. Sustainable Supply Chain – Ensure that your business partners and suppliers also adhere to sustainable practices that align with your own. This can involve everything from sourcing materials from responsible suppliers to choosing only local vendors to reduce transportation emissions.

3. Energy-Saving Technology – Investing in energy-efficient appliances and systems doesn’t need to cost your bottom line. In fact, installing LED lighting, energy-efficient heating and cooling systems, alongside smart thermostats and not only will you significantly reduce your carbon footprint but you’ll be saving a small fortune in the long term too.

4. Air Pollution Solutions – For businesses directly impacting air quality, installing air pollution control systems is crucial. This not only helps in reducing environmental damage but also ensures you’re aligned with regulatory compliance.

Environmental Certifications

Achieving environmental certifications is a concrete way to demonstrate your business’s commitment to sustainability. B Corp Certification, for example, is awarded to businesses meeting the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, public transparency, and legal accountability. Earning a B Corp Certification not only improves a business’s image but also aligns it with a global movement of people using businesses as a force for good and can be a powerful marketing tool for your PR team!

Businesses of all sizes can play a pivotal role in creating a healthier planet, while also reaping the benefits of increased consumer trust and loyalty. All it requires is a little effort, a lot of courage and the knowledge that you’re doing the right thing for your business and the planet.

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