
The Funding Superhero

Issue 80

This is a tale of how help can come from unexpected places. The key is to take advice. You may well be very pleasantly surprised.

Mr. Max Profit, business owner, and his Finance Director, Arthur Sixpence, are having a meeting as to how they should fund the much-needed modifications to the production line of the business, ”Profit and Moore Manufacturing Limited.”

”Max, I don’t think the bank will help us with the £200,000 we need,” moaned Arthur. ”And if they do they will probably want a charge over your house.”

”Well they can’t have that. Mrs. Profit would never put up with it. It is where we brought up the little Profits and so she would never risk it. I don’t like the idea either. These are challenging times,” opined Max. ”But we do need new machinery?” Arthur was seeking confirmation. ”No doubt about that” affirmed Max. ”We need to keep up with the competition.” Arthur scratched his chin in an effort to look as though he was thinking. In reality he just had an itch. ”What about looking for a business angel to invest?”

Max raised an eyebrow in a rather Roger Moore manner. ”Really? Are you serious? Such an investor would want a chunk of ownership of the company for a paltry £200,000.”

”It’s not paltry if you haven’t got it yourself,” proffered Arthur nervously. Max swung toward Arthur, eyes ablaze, and was about to lambast him when the door flew open!

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