
Solicitor Of The Month

Issue 72

GWEN JONES Commercial Property, emg Solicitors

Did you always envisage a career in the industry?

Yes but not in the area in which I practice – I had always seen myself as working for the CPS in criminal law.

What has been your career path so far?

I started as a paralegal in a large commercial property department in 2007 and never really left the area. My training contract followed, qualifying into the commercial property department of a well-respected North East Firm during the last recession. From there I moved following the birth of my daughter to another well respected long-standing North East Firm where I was promoted to Associate which gave me invaluable experience in managing a team. Then EMG.

What have been the biggest challenges you have faced so far?

Qualifying during a recession was a shock to the system; going from the security of a training contract to being qualified at a time where instructions were not forthcoming and having to diversify quickly in an changing market was challenging but also an opportunity to grow. The pandemic has also been a challenge for everyone, when the first lockdown took hold people were naturally cautious and risk adverse resulting in fewer transactions progressing – there were far more important health matters to take priority! Since the easing of lockdown the challenge has been managing the instructions that are now incoming; the market is buoyant and managing the workload as well as managing client expectations is a daily challenge.

Who do you most respect in your industry?

This is a tough question to answer as I have been fortunate to work alongside some excellent solicitors and Partners during my career who I really do respect. In the North East we have a wealth of experts across the legal sector – to name a few would do a disservice to those I did not mention (and I am sure that there would be words over a drink sometime as a result!) The team at EMG are inspiring on a daily basis – I’m lucky to work with a whole team of people I respect and the passion in our solicitors in particular those training and at the earlier end of their careers is totally inspiring!

Which fictional lawyer would you most like to meet ? AllyMcBeal, I remember watching the show and thinking yes, that is the career for me!

What is your greatest strength?

I would say that beyond the legal expertise that we all have in the industry first and foremost I am a people person and genuinely care and want the best for each client and for all of my colleagues. I can see when people need that extra support or just a check that they are ok and nothing is too great an ask. I am often the swan above the surface – taking stress away from others to get the transaction completed. What is your biggest weakness? I am a perfectionist and can find it difficult not to have total control over situations.

What are your remaining career aspirations?

To grow the team and to build a strong support system for junior solicitors within the firm.

How do you see your industry evolving in the next ten years?

The last 18 months has shown that we can work remotely and that digital working can be very successful with the right infrastructure in place. I would envisage greater remote and flexible working and also a greater number of female lead firms, partners and senior solicitors throughout all practice areas.

How do you like to unwind?

I walk, mountain bike and generally enjoy being outdoors with friends and family. When I can, I do love travelling, with Italy and France being top of my destination list.

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