
People Spark Finds Solution With The Experience Bank™

Issue 110

People Spark Solutions has set out an ambitious 2025 strategy to develop more people, grow the company, work with more organisations and ensure continued exceptional service, thanks to the support from philanthropic organisation The Experience Bank™.

Scott Smith launched the company in 2020, and having grown the portfolio and team, found himself in a position where he had ambition and vision but needed guidance from an advisory board who would hold him accountable and be a sounding board.

A mutual friend introduced Scott to Peter Neal, founder of The Experience Bank™, who guided him through how to attract the right people to challenge him. The response to Peter’s call out was a resounding success with Scott lining up three board advisors and six people that he can call on for specific help when needed.

Specialising in empowering leaders, elevating teams and driving success for their clients People Spark Solutions offer coaching and mentoring, leadership and team development, team facilitation and psychometrics to support finding the insights that lead to smart hiring of talent.

Scott said: “I have welcomed Mark Dixon, Ian Scurfield and John McConnell to our first two board meetings already and I can tell this is going to be exciting times ahead. I left these meetings feeling very challenged and out of my comfort zone, and as we head towards our third board meeting things have already moved along significantly.

“The three advisors bring great diversity in experience and thinking and they have really had me focussing on what is different about what we do at People Spark Solutions. They’ve had me look at my business through the eye of a client, to see that we are authentic, speak the language of our clients and behave like an extended part of each client. Now we have recognised that, we will be using it to launch the future strategy of the company.”

Scott described his experience with Peter and The Experience Bank™ as nothing but positive from start to finish and he was so impressed he made a donation. Peter said:

“Whilst The Experience Bank™ is a philanthropic endeavour, we have costs to cover and it is always hugely appreciated when a client like Scott values what we have done to help them enough to make a donation to cover our overheads!”

Scott, who is keen to benefit from the services of Peter and the wider Experience Bank Group in the future concluded by saying: “People Spark Solutions has survived many challenges since its inception and now we set to help even more people as we head towards our fifth birthday in 2025 thanks to The Experience Bank™. This includes further growth in one-to-one coaching for business leaders, expansion of leadership development services, and maximising on our current reputation of being a go to partner for high-growth tech companies who want to nurture healthy, productive workplaces.”

Experience Bank Group is a commercial venture specialising in peer groups and board/high-level recruitment for charities and SMEs with purpose. Its philanthropic offering, The Experience Bank™, offers qualifying start up and small companies primed for growth access to a bank of hundreds of leaders from the region who offer up time and experience pro-bono.

You can find out more about The Experience Bank™ on

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