
Making 2022 Count

Issue 76

Steve Black, also known as Blackie, is well known in the sporting world for his positive mind and fit body wellbeing approach. More recently he has been using his knowledge and extensive experience to help businesses, individuals, and community groups through his latest venture Protean Solutions.

Here, as 2022 has got off to strange start for many, he looks at how we make this year count and offers some tips on staying motivated through challenging times:

“We all thought 2022 would be a normal year, that by now we would see the end of lockdown threats, reduced numbers in infection and business would be flying again.

“Instead, more people than ever are infected with Covid-19, businesses are short staffed due to illness and self-isolations, people are spending and socialising differently and despite vaccine numbers climbing and death numbers falling every day we are still living under uncertainty over how we can operate day-to-day.

“Masks in the work environment help protect everyone but they visually remind all of the unusual circumstances we sadly find ourselves in and we are all feeling disappointed that things are not where we hoped they would be.

“BUT, let’s look to a brighter thought stream. Things are improving. Businesses are still operating. Many companies have survived, some have thrived, and others are still stable. There is a lot of opportunity out there and it is currently an employee’s market to find a dream role or for business owners to make their mark. I’ve seen some great innovations taking place with individuals and teams that I work with and that’s been as a result of coming under great pressure, being forced out of comfort zones.

“One thing I have noticed is how the business community has pulled together – organisations working together to ensure the good of everyone. And there are a lot of heartening stories of how by supporting each other, we are succeeding.

“And that’s where my tips for a fulfilling and motivated year start…Make yourself feel better by helping others. Build it into your daily list of things to do. Who can I help today? Where can I make a difference? By doing this you will feel better, and you will also get more back in return. As I’ve said before, the only thing you can’t give away is kindness as it will always find its way back to you.

“Another tip is to be kind on yourself, not just others. Accept your limitations, focus on improvement, but always make time for you to rest and spend time with family, friends and doing something that makes you feel good. Life has to be a balance; without it we all fail. We must enjoy our journeys and we maximise that with great people around us playing to our strengths.

“I speak with such wonderful people and I share with them the benefits of finding yourself a coach, a buddy, a confidante, a mentor, a peer group, whatever you want to call it that fits. Talking solves a lot of mental health strains and issues. None of us are islands or should try to cope alone, so having that rock or safe place in your life can be very appealing and can help you to refocus and obtain perspective. Often an outside opinion makes a challenge or issue seem not as big!

“I strongly encourage everyone to write everything down. I always start the day writing a plan setting my goals; and I end the day with a journal entry on how I feel I honestly performed and why. Self-reflection is very important. “Cultivate a plan for yourself but don’t be afraid to change it. This is where writing everything down helps. It will help you understand what is working, what isn’t and assist your memory when you look back. Planning is good, but change can be better. Being too rigid can cause problems.

“Finally, look after yourself physically, don’t neglect your body due to heavy work pressures – make sure it gets lots of water and regular, healthy intakes of food. This makes your brain all that sharper. Which all in all helps you succeed.

“Go and make 2022 count, be kind, enjoy life. God Bless you all.”

Steve Black is a well-known face in the sporting world who has taken his expertise in making people fit in the mind as well as fit in the body through his corporate facing business, Protean Solutions.

Steve Black, or Blackie as he is better known, has been focussing lately on working with both individuals and organisations driving motivation, teamwork, leadership and excellence in the workplace.

His portfolio is impressive, with big names including Kevin Keegan, Rob Andrew, Jonny Wilkinson, Jonathan Edwards and Glen McCrory endorsing the former Newcastle Falcons and British Lions rugby coach. He now works with companies including Cascade Cash Management, The John McEnroe Academy and Fairstone to name a few.

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