
It's Good To Talk!

Issue 94

And it could save a life. Most of you reading this won't have to deal with the trauma and stress that can lead to mental health issues and ultimately suicide.

However, there is a possibility that you do know someone who’s struggling.

Perhaps you aren’t aware of anyone, but what if the person is very good at disguising it.

Or, it could be you who’s struggling but would rather not discuss it.

But here’s a simple fact…the North East has the highest rate of suicide in the UK.

And did you know suicide is the biggest killer of men under 50 and young people under 25?

Thankfully, help is out there…and it’s coming from people who know what can ultimately happen when things become too much.

They work and volunteer for a wonderful North East charity called If U Care Share.

Leading from the front is Matthew Smith. When he was 10 years old his brother, Daniel, took his own life.

“My mother set up If U Care Share 15 years ago. Since then we have supported over 35,000 young people,” said Matthew. “We’re currently supporting over 1800 people who are at risk of taking their own life or who have lost a loved one to suicide. Our aim is improve their emotional and mental health because we believe that every suicide is preventable. With help and support we can change and save lives.

Our work is really all about raising awareness and because many of us at If U Care Share (IUCS) have been directly affected by suicide, it means we’re talking about suicide and mental health in a real way. It means more when people realise we’ve been through…and are still going through…exactly the feelings and tensions that they’re now experiencing.

We want communities to look after each other. That’s why we work extensively with schools and sports clubs because we can reach a huge cross section of people and spread the message that we all need to look after each other and encourage people to open up about something that’s often difficult to talk about.”

So, what can you do as companies and individuals?

This is a call to arms…If U Care Share needs to raise awareness and, as a charity, they need to raise funds.

The 10th of September was World Suicide Prevention Day, but the whole of September is being devoted to raising awareness…and IUCS is doing this via a campaign called Inside Out. They’re encouraging people to wear something inside out. The idea is that people will then ask you why you’re wearing something the wrong way round and…bingo…it has encouraged conversation. It might help the break the ice… make someone feel more comfortable about discussing something which is very personal. You’ll be bringing what’s on the inside…out.

For more details of their Inside Out campaign, or if you would like to help them financially, go onto the charity’s website where you’ll find further details and also how to contact them directly if you’d like to talk to someone.

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