
In Conversation With...

Issue 102

Northern Insight spoke with Laura Gillespie - Director, Gillespie Recruitment as her firm celebrate their third anniversary.

Reflecting on the past three years, what are the biggest accomplishments of the business?

Our biggest accomplishment is getting to year four. I had been told so many times that new businesses rarely get through years two and three so to have achieved those milestones is something to be proud of.

The great relationships we have with our clients is something that I am also very proud of and grateful for, most have been with us from the beginning and it is great to see their businesses grow.

I wouldn’t be where I am today without the support of my team and also my amazing network who offer support, advice and friendship along the way.

How has the business evolved since its inception, and what notable changes have occurred?

Starting in an incubator unit at NE BIC and within 10 months upsizing to accommodate our existing team, with capacity to grow. Year two saw the launch of our national healthcare division and adding a dedicated marketing person to the team has improved our online presence massively.

What challenges did the business face in its third year, and how were they overcome?

Year three was the most challenging. Running a business and being accountable for people is the hardest thing I have done, and I have learnt so much along the way.

The candidate marketplace is tough. It has changed since the pandemic and the cost-ofliving crisis. Clients are having to be so much more flexible in what they offer.

Can you share any memorable moments or milestones from the past year?

Definitely the move into our current office, from the Incubator unit into a great space which will give us the opportunity to expand! Advertising for Artists for one of our global clients and increasing our reach on social media by 900%!

How has the business impacted the local community or industry over the past three years?

We are proud to be in Sunderland, our team are local, and we recruit heavily in the community. We are proud to support local charities.

What lessons have been learned since the business started, and how have they influenced your decision-making?

Cashflow is king! People don’t always do what they say they are going to do. We tend to look at things more closely these days before making decisions that will impact business.

In what ways has customer feedback shaped the direction of the business?

We ensure our clients and candidates have the best experience possible, and it is lovely to get their feedback on how we have supported them. Both refer us to other businesses or people who are looking for jobs which is fantastic.

How has the team grown and developed since the business began?

We have grown the team organically and are now a strong team of five who all share the same goals and vision and are excited about what year four will bring.

What are the goals and aspirations for the business moving forward into its fourth year?

We are committed to working as hard for our clients and candidates as ever. We will continue to grow our client base across the UK whilst building new relationships here in the North East.

Lastly, how will the business continue to innovate and stay competitive in the coming years?

By keeping an eye on employment trends, making sure we use all of our resources and continuing to look at new technologies. We will stay competitive by doing what we say we will do whilst being open, honest. and passionate!

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