
How To Be A Better Man

Issue 95

The Better Man Project is a men's movement started by coach and therapist Phil Airson and Dr.Richard Harkness, to help men save their marriage, connect with their family and enjoy the life they have built.

To put it simply “Fix your marriage, find yourself”. Today’s world demands unchallenged toughness from men, where your worth as a man is measured by how much pain you can suffer and how silent you can be about it. We want to ask you, who are you having real conversations with?

We’re talking about level 3 conversations, not level 1 which you have with a stranger or 2 with family or mates down the pub, we mean the kind where you share your fears and mistakes, your relationship struggles and your dreams for the future. Who are you talking to about being a man when your relationship is on the line?

Research in 2023 revealed that three-quarters of all suicides in the UK are men and it is the leading cause of death for males under 45.

Three-quarters of unattended funerals in the UK (where not even family attends) are men and over 80% of men report not having anyone in their life who regularly asks how they are.

We have been conditioned to believe ‘real men’ don’t talk, they endure. It leads to stubborn standoffs with our friends and family, a “well they don’t organise anything or reach out to me so I won’t to them” mentality. Where does it lead? See the stats above.

I clearly remember the day I lost my best friend to suicide at 18. He was a bright-eyed, loving lad brimming with humour and creativity. However, when his family moved away and started separating, he didn’t have anywhere to talk and didn’t know how to talk. When they told me he’d died I had no one to talk to and didn’t know how.

In the world of business leadership, we noticed a disturbing pattern. Successful men were throwing themselves into their work, they were becoming their business and losing themselves. They made financial success but behind closed doors, their relationships were crumbling. They hardly knew their children yet they clung to the idea if they endured and just provided then they got to go home and be loved and respected. It doesn’t work like that. On paper, their life looks great but they don’t feel it, the guilt of that turns them to sedation through drink, drugs, affairs or more work. The family falls apart.

Since becoming fathers, we saw the importance of the phrase “What you don’t take on, you pass on” and committed to creating a course and a space for guys to finally tackle what is holding them back from passionate loving relationships with their families and enjoying their lives.

The sad truth is, if you don’t tackle these things your little ones are watching how you deal with the problems and it is why so many follow in their parent’s footsteps.

I encourage you not to wait until the doomsday event, too many men have joined our project only when they get home to a note on the kitchen table saying their partner is leaving them. They saw all the warning signs telling them of a waterfall ahead but they just stayed in the boat and now they’re falling.

There is another way, we have created a course that gives you simple actionable steps to start reconnecting with your partner, discovering passion and intimacy, being a superhero to your kids and most importantly connecting with yourself so you can be proud of the man you see in the mirror.

I’ll be honest what we do isn’t for everyone, it is for the committed man, the man who wants to be a leader in their lives as well as business. You need an open mind to create change.

It is time to break free from the shackles of silence and step into owning your authentic self. It is time to save your relationship and rediscover the love and connection that truly makes life worth living.

I hope we get to talk soon.

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