
Calibrate Is Measuring Up Nicely

Issue 101

Award winning heat pump installers - save money and eco-friendly.

Calibrate Energy Engineering have been installing commercial heat pumps for two decades. They’re also racking-up awards… Gold Innovation Award at the Royal Highland Show Awards; Best Rural Innovation in the Rural Business Awards; Green Initiative of the Year in the Best of Northumberland Awards and Installer of the Year & Non-Domestic Ground Source Project in the ACR & Heat Pump Awards.

In other words, the experts are giving Calibrate a massive thumbs up. It’s probably a pretty good guess to say that most, if not all, of you who run a business will have seen an increase in your energy costs. Even if you are a single person working from home, your heating bills will almost certainly have risen over the past couple of years.

That’s why everyone is looking at ways to reduce costs.

And yes, more and more of us are looking to our conscience and doing as much as we can to go green and help the climate.

It’s also why heat pumps are a win-win because, once you’ve got the system up and running, it will save you money and be incredibly eco-friendly.

“Most businesses will use a gas boiler to heat their premises and hot water but, in comparison, a heat pump will be around 300 per cent more efficient than the boiler, and a ground source will be between 400 and 500 per cent more efficient,” said Calibrate’s Business Development Lead, Nick Mather. “They use the thermal energy in the ground, air or water and can provide heating during winter and chilling in the summer. Ground or air source heat pumps are great for manufacturing, agriculture, horticulture, food and drink businesses, hotels, leisure centres, schools and universities. In fact, we supply businesses of all shapes and sizes to help them reduce costs and hit their environmental targets.”

Calibrate offer a service called Calibrate Analytics. In a nutshell, it’s a case of them monitoring precisely what level of energy you use. The Calibrate Analytics assessment and control tool plugs directly into your existing system and determines how you can reduce your electricity and energy costs whilst also reducing your carbon footprint. Every aspect of your business is studied…gas glow, electricity usage, humidity and temperature…everything that makes up an energy profile. It then models the difference installing one of their renewable technologies will make to performance and outputs to support the client in making the transition.

“We supply intelligent, hands off, commercial heating, chilling and electricity generating solutions to high energy-use industries. We want potential clients to rethink and reshape how their energy is more economically utilised and consumed. We do this by reducing their operational expenditure, dramatically reducing their energy costs. It will also create a positive impact on their carbon profile.”

The company, now owned by RSK Environment Ltd, is based in North Northumberland near Bamburgh but works across the UK. It’s interesting to look at the various case studies which Calibrate includes on its website… …because your type of business may feature.

For example, the owner of a poultry farm, who drafted Calibrate in to help get an old and unmaintained heat pump system back to optimal performance, commented: “These improvements have had a massive impact on my bottom line by slashing my electricity input from the grid to offset much of the cost increases meaning a swift return on investment of my outlay for the reworks. In addition, I am using much fewer kWh to run the heat pump, so this has significantly reduced my CO2 output from grid electricity, making the farm greener.”

The owner of a large grain production and logistics business commented: “When we made the decision to invest in heat pump technology, we looked at various companies who offered this service, we narrowed these companies down to Calibrate due to their professional approach and because they were able to carry out the full bespoke design, installation and also support the system with a comprehensive long term maintenance agreement. We were not disappointed with Calibrate and have completed 3 large projects and would highly recommend them.”

With the right controls and monitoring systems in place, such as Calibrate Analytics, renewable technologies can also provide a swift return on investment. If you install an air or ground source heat pump, you will get to the point where you are into pocket as the initial outlay has been offset by savings from the switch to this alternative option. Energy savings then deliver a positive impact on bottom line performance, whilst reducing the carbon footprint of the business.

“To get the most out of our solutions, we also work closely with our clients to help them understand how to be more energy efficient. Education can go a long way to cutting costs without any financial outlay. We can even extract heat from your current boiler’s flue or generator’s exhaust outlet to benefit other functions.”

The best idea is to contact Nick and his team at Calibrate. They’ll then take you through exactly what’s available and what the costs and gains will be.

Email or call into their offices at Calibrate Energy Engineering, Mousen Lane, Bamburgh, NE70 7HN. 07521 146357.

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