
My Weekend... Angela Carrington

Issue 105

Angela is the Managing Director of The Bigger Picture Agency based in Newcastle's Biscuit Factory. Here she tells us how she spends her weekends.

Do you ever have to work weekends?

Less than I used to. I’ve worked hard recently to try and make time for my own interests/ hobbies and family activities.

Are most weekends the same?

Never. Every weekend is different…just the way I like it! When I’m not working, I spend a lot of my time as a Trustee and Regional Volunteer Officer for national charity the Maritime Volunteer Service. (MVS) The charity trains people of all ages and abilities in seamanship, engineering and communications. Each unit operates their own vessels and uses their skills for the benefit of the nautical community. I have personally managed the MVS role in three Tall Ships events (Blyth, Sunderland and Hartlepool) working with the Harbour Authority of each and multi-agency teams including Police, Border Control, HM Coastguard and RNLI. A lot of our volunteering work takes place at weekends, so my time must be carefully managed.

Do you find it hard to switch off?

Very. I work long hours and cram in a lot of volunteer work around that too. If I go on holiday, it takes a good three full days to start to decompress and relax!

What do you do at a weekend which you can’t fit in through the week?

Usually admin (life and work).

Morning exercise or a recovery lie in?

I love morning exercise. Get it in before your body or mind objects! I rarely lie in.

Big night out or a night in the house?


Do you watch or play sport at a weekend?

Not anymore. I keep active though and carry out safety-boat work at a sailing club in Northumberland.

Where do you like to eat out at a weekend?

I prefer to order in (Shawarma is my favourite).

How important is the weekend to you?

Very. It’s a chance to reconnect with friends and family and have quality time with loved ones.

What’s the best thing about weekends?

One of the best things for me is spending time with my dogs! I love walking them out in the wilds.

Of a weekend, you’ll usually find me mostly…?

Bobbing around on a boat or walking in a forest.

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