
The Big Interview

Issue 103

Steven Forrest - CEO of Forfusion

What exactly does Forfusion offer?

Forfusion is a Cisco Gold Certified systems integrator. We excel in designing, implementing, and managing mission-critical IT infrastructure for large public and private sector companies. Our specialisations include IT-managed services, networking, connectivity, IoT, data centre and cloud solutions, all underpinned by security. We’re trusted by the NHS, local and central government, and prestigious private sector companies, which speaks volumes about our expertise and disruptive approach, outperforming much larger and slower-moving suppliers.

Tell us something about yourself and how you got to where you are.

Born and bred in Newcastle, I’m an age group triathlete, judo practitioner, and armed forces veteran. My journey to Forfusion began during my time in the army, where I worked with technology. It wasn’t long before linking computers via networks and communicating securely over wires piqued my interest. I couldn’t imagine not being involved with technology.

As CEO, what is your role?

I take pride in leading and being part of a cohesive team. At Forfusion, we are building something extraordinary. We’ve challenged industry giants by taking a different approach and are now reaping the rewards. We have in-house apprenticeship schemes, STEM initiatives, and other socially responsible activities that support our local communities. Our focus is not solely on profit but on giving back to society, particularly our beloved North East.

What is Forfusion up to at the moment?

It’s been our best trading year to date. We’ve moved offices, doubled our capacity for growth, taken on four prominent household names, and significantly elevated our profile within Cisco and across the industry. We have momentum and are on an upward trajectory. Our primary focus is on managed services and creating flexible ways for our clients to consume services based on their risk profile, appetite for change and budget, all of which we can help them define.

What can Forfusion do for businesses reading this?

When working with Cisco technologies, there’s not a lot we can’t do. The initial contact is typically when organisations need strategic as well as technological direction or when an incumbent supplier is not performing as they should. We follow our own proven Assess, Design, Integrate, and Operate (ADIO) methodology, which typically involves a current state assessment and a mapping or gap analysis exercise to help businesses reach their desired future state. This approach is not common because it is difficult; however, it is infinitely more valuable to our clients; it finds a balance between innovation and risk, and critically, it ensures any investment they make is future-proof.

What are the main changes you’ve seen in your business/sector, and what are the challenges?

With the adoption of the cloud accelerating and the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), the pace of change is greater than ever. It presents challenges for businesses of all shapes and sizes, which is further compounded due to skill shortages for certain technologies. However, Forfusion can change direction quicker than most, which has always been one of our unique selling points. We’re ahead of the game when it comes to AI and delivering AIOps through managed services. We embrace change and use agility and responsiveness to dissolve barriers and create competitive advantage.

What is the importance of Cisco Gold?

We hold Cisco Gold Provider and Cisco Gold Integrator (globally). This reflects our team’s hard work, expertise, and unwavering commitment to providing an exceptional experience. As the first North East-based company to achieve this dual recognition, we’re setting new standards in technology excellence. We’re here to facilitate the consumption and adoption of secure, seamless IT solutions.

What’s your fondest memory of a career in the industry?

It was our first taste of displacing a global incumbent supplier for a multi-million-pound managed services contract. It showed we could find ways to help clients mitigate risk and innovate in parallel. We operate in the mid-market and enterprise space where risk is relatively high, but so is the reward. We have the capability of large, more cumbersome integrators, but we retain the ability to be agile and flexible, putting our customers first, always.

What is the best advice or support you’ve been given in business?

It came from my father. “Don’t ever give up, no matter what life throws at you.” Business-wise, the best advice is “manage your energy, not your calendar” from one of my all-time favourite books – The Positive Leader, Jan Muhlfeit.

How do you like to spend your spare time?

My priority is my young daughter, so I like to spend quality time with her, whether taking her swimming, clip and climb, or soft play. I believe that a healthy body is a healthy mind. A lot of my time is spent on triathlon and training. I’ve managed to get my other half involved with cycling, so it kills two birds with one stone. Lastly, when not watching my weight or about to enter a race, I enjoy wining, dining, and eating loads of chocolate.

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