
Positive Summer Vibes Only!

Issue 102

That summer feeling is starting to gain momentum so let's try to make this summer super positive by keeping an upbeat happy vibe.

Here are a few ideas to turn any negative feelings into a more positive mindset. Here are some suggestions:


I need to shed at least a stone for my summer vacation; I’ll never manage it, it’s too late.


Not at all, there are still 10 weeks until the middle of July. By gradually adjusting a few unhealthy eating habits each day, and aiming to lose just over 1lb a week, you can achieve your goal of shedding 14lbs.


Despite eating well, I can’t seem to lose weight. Why bother trying?


While you may believe you’re eating healthily, there’s a significant difference between eating for health and eating to lose weight. Eliminate refined sugar and processed foods, and focus on consuming lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, and eggs. These changes will lead to noticeable improvements, making your efforts absolutely worthwhile.


I don’t have time to exercise.


With determination and a strong desire, everyone can carve out time for exercise. Strength exercises like squats, lunges, and press-ups, along with core workouts, can all be done at home. Activities like running on the spot or using a mini trampoline also require minimal time investment. No excuses; we can all spare 20 minutes a day for our well-being, even if the exercise is spread throughout the day.


One glass of wine a night adds up to around 55,000 calories a year.


Simply eliminating that nightly glass of wine while maintaining everything else will result in a weight loss of 3-4lbs by July.


I feel fatigued, sluggish, and heavy. Coping with the heat abroad will be a challenge.


Initiating regular exercise of any kind will instantly boost your self-esteem. Coupled with improved dietary choices and reduced alcohol intake, you’ll transition from feeling lethargic to feeling fitter, stronger, and more energised.

Decreased body fat and a renewed mindset will undoubtedly enhance your ability to cope with the heat if you are going abroad this summer.


I’m too embarrassed to attend a fitness class; I need to lose weight first.


This mindset undermines the purpose entirely. The aim of attending a fitness class is to transform both your appearance and how you feel. The sooner you begin, the sooner you’ll see results. Lives can change dramatically in a matter of weeks, all it takes is belief, forming new habits, and staying committed.


I can’t seem to stick to a workout routine; I always end up quitting.


It’s common to face challenges when establishing a new habit, but every setback is an opportunity to learn and grow.

Instead of focusing on past failures, try reframing your mindset. Break down your fitness goals into smaller, manageable steps. Celebrate each small success along the way, whether it’s completing a workout or making healthier food choices.

David’s summing up…

Remember, progress is not always linear, and setbacks are a natural part of the journey. By adopting a positive attitude and staying committed to your goals, you’ll build resilience and perseverance, making it easier to overcome obstacles and negative thought processes in the future.


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