
A Cleaner Lifestyle?

Issue 98

Eating clean is a lifestyle choice, there isn't a start and end time. It's a conscious decision to stay committed to consuming whole, unprocessed foods that nourish our bodies and provide optimal nutrition.

It is not about following a strict diet or depriving yourself of certain food groups; instead, it emphasises balance and moderation. It encourages mindful eating by listening to your body’s hunger cues and being aware of the quality of food you are consuming.

Clean eating goes beyond just what we put on our plates; it also encompasses how we prepare our meals. Cooking at home allows us to have control over the ingredients used while reducing reliance on processed convenience foods.

Here are just some of the benefits:

Improved energy levels

When you consume whole foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, you provide your body with the fuel it needs to stay energized throughout the day.

Enhanced digestion

Clean eating focuses on consuming unprocessed and foods high in fibre like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods promote healthy digestion by aiding regular bowel movements and reducing bloating.

Weight management

A clean eating approach emphasises natural and nutrient-dense foods while limiting processed foods high in unhealthy fats and added sugars. This can support weight loss or maintenance goals by reducing your calorie intake.

Strengthened immune system

Clean eating provides essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support a robust immune system. By nourishing your body with these nutrients, you can better defend against infections and diseases.

Beyond the physical benefits

The commitment to eating clean often leads to improved mental clarity and emotional wellbeing. The connection between diet and mental health is well established. By fuelling the body with wholesome foods, you will benefit from a heightened focus, reduced stress, and enhanced mood.

Hold your will power and do not lose spirit if you have the occasional lapse, you should expect that, there may be times where it’s more challenging such as holidays or eating out.

Meal planning will help to keep you on track and reading food labels should become a habit as you seek to understand what sugars and fats you are unknowingly consuming. Involving other family members in food preparation will also help them learn about clean eating and how to make better food choices in 2024.


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