
In Conversation With...

Issue 103

James Drake - Managing Director, Eclipse Wholesale

Looking back over the past two decades, what do you consider to be the most significant milestones or accomplishments of the business?

I look back with fond memories of many milestones, our first sale, our first Channel Partner, buying our business property and winning our first award. However, the most significant milestone is the decision to go Channel first and move away from direct sales. This pivotal change has allowed Eclipse Wholesale to enjoy substantial growth, increase our staff team and expand into new locations, most noteworthy our move to Scotland in 2023.

How has the business landscape changed since the inception of the company, and how has the business adapted to these changes?

The business landscape has changed significantly over the past two decades. Eclipse Wholesale has remained at the forefront of these changes by continuously updating processes and operations to stay competitive and relevant. This adaptability has been crucial in maintaining our position in the industry.

What core values or principles have guided the business throughout its 20-year journey, and how have they contributed to its success?

The core values have been refined over time, but our work ethic and commitment to our customers have never changed. These simple principles have definitely contributed massively to our success and longevity. Eclipse now operates to four key pillars (trust, expertise, teamwork and solutions) so we can maintain high standards in everything we do.

Can you share any memorable anecdotes or experiences from the early years of the business that have had a lasting impact?

We once had a police raid on our premises! It turned out that they had the wrong company, and it was just an error on their part. The lasting impact of this was to always remain calm – you never know what unexpected challenges the day will throw at you.

How has the business contributed to the community or industry over the past two decades?

Eclipse Wholesale has won countless industry awards over the past 20 years, worked in partnership with some of the leading vendors in the telecom marketplace and hopefully provided a useful contribution to our vendors and the industry as a whole. We regularly support local charities and community groups with donations or fundraising activities, as well as staff volunteering time where possible. Thanks to a bunch of keen cricketers on our payroll, we have also recently sponsored an international player at a local cricket team.

What challenges has the business faced along the way, and how were they overcome?

We have faced numerous business challenges over the years with margin erosion, market consolidation and recruitment being some of the most difficult. We have overcome all the challenges in the same way. Remaining agile, changing strategy when needed and focusing on the end goal have always been the secrets of our success.

What is your proudest achievement?

I’m most proud of our commitment to training and the development of those who work here at Eclipse Wholesale. With an ongoing commitment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD), we strive to help our people to flourish both personally and professionally. x

In what ways have customer feedback and loyalty played a role in shaping the direction of the business over the years?

The customer is at the centre of everything we do. Listening and reacting to our customers’ feedback has assisted in developing our strategies and processes and most critically has helped mitigate potential mistakes. We are lucky that our customers have remained loyal and still enjoy working with us after 20 years.

How has the team evolved and grown since the company was founded, and what role have they played in the business’s success?

The team has evolved significantly, both in terms of size and skill. We have always been keen to seek out the brightest and best people for the roles, building a committed and cohesive team and providing a supportive working environment in which they can thrive. As a result, our staff retention is high and we have some staff members who have been with us from the start. Our staff team are talented, dedicated and share the same values. We couldn’t have done it without them.

Looking ahead to the future, what are the aspirations and goals for the business as it enters its third decade of operation?

Our goal is to make Eclipse Wholesale the number one Channel aggregator in the Small and Medium Partner channel. We hope to achieve this goal by spreading the Eclipse Wholesale message; our desire to help, extolling the virtues of a full-fibre future and working damn hard to make sure it happens.

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