
Can Ai Really Help You With Your Hr Strategy?

Issue 103

If AI is really revolutionising the world of work, how can it help you with your HR strategy?

While AI tools are simply that, tools, they can be effective in streamlining HR processes to give you more time to take care of your people and deliver strategic value, and bringing some depth and attention to detail that the human eye might miss.

We hear a lot about what we “could” do with AI in the future, but what interests us is how we can actually use AI technology in HR right now.

Let our Account Manager and host of our Tech & Trends podcast, Lauren, tell you how.

Large Language Models

Starting out simple, ChatGPT and other Large Language Model software can be used for support in writing job descriptions and internal communications in a less timeconsuming way.

Certainly for job descriptions, LLM software can be useful in ensuring that you write a JD which captures all elements of the job, without missing anything.

Using AI tools like ChatGPT can be a great way to kickstart any writing task you need to do, leaving you with more time to devote to strategic HR, and less time struggling with writer’s block.

However, it is important to note that all LLMs, despite being framed as a replacement to people, have enormous limitations, and the inherent biases that they all pick up on from the information fed into them means they should be used with great caution in people practise.


Chatbot technology works by training the chatbot on information provided by you. Once programmed, the Chatbot will respond to questions from employees with the answers provided by you.

Once trained to answer the basics, HR staff will be freed up for more complex enquiries, and deeper strategic work. Chatbots can therefore give employees the access to 24/7 support which is tailored to your organization and your staff – giving them a personalized and fast-paced service.

They can also be used during recruitment. A chatbot integrated into your recruitment website will encourage potential candidates to reach out with any questions they may have, keeping them warm and bringing them one step closer to a job application.

We recommend the Microsoft Azure Chatbots. In comparison to other chatbot services, is that you control exactly what goes into them, and ultimately what comes out of them, which is the greatest risk when it comes to AI.

Language Check Software

AI-powered software on the market can remove bias and maladapted language in your HR written work – job descriptions, emails, internal communications – to ensure you’re fostering inclusion and diversity, and appealing to the best talent out there, while making internal talent feel safe and valued.

This technology can also be used in the context of feedback, ensuring that language is honed to give fair and actionable feedback to team members and empowering managers to know they can get it right.

In addition, words which encourage gender bias can be picked out and replaced with more neutral words.

There are a few options on the market, such as Textio, or the free tool Gender Decoder.

Key Takeaways

While AI can’t run your HR department for you, what these tools can do is to allow you to change your approach and bring more power to your strategy.

By allowing your team to move their focus away from administrative practices to strategic HR, and giving them the capability to prioritise teamwork and performance management by bringing automation to the day-to-day HR tasks that are incredibly necessary, but also incredibly time-consuming.

When it comes to strategy, however, Artificial Intelligence isn’t your ideal partner to ensure that your company has the right strategy in place to ensure employee engagement, talent retention and boost your employer brand.

For that, we can help you.

Check out our HR case studies on our website at

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