
Where Did The Time Go?

Issue 86

Since December is now upon us it is okay to talk about Christmas, although restaurants have had their 'Book Now' posters up since August!

Coming from an Italian family, Christmas for me means time spent around the table; eating, drinking, catching up with family and friends. And when an Italian says ‘at the table’ he means all day at the table.

After the meal it is time to reflect upon the year gone and talk about our hopes for the year to come. On a personal level, the year gone consists of “Where did it go?” As for the future, I keep it simple. Good health and a degree of happiness for friends and family. In terms of our business I feel we met the many challenges of 2022 and are in good shape to face those presented in 2023. Just as well since challenges there will be! All day at the table is the fun bit. But there is a serious side to Christmas since we are responsible for the comfort and safety of hundreds of tenants. While my family and I are attacking a day long feast our maintenance staff will have packed a thermos of coffee and a box of turkey sandwiches into the vans. Experience shows that at least one poor soul will find their boiler or cooker on the blink on Christmas morning. By now our maintenance inspections ought to have prepared the managed property portfolio for the worst of a North East winter, so a bit of friendly advice to tenants does not go amiss. Some will be spending their first Christmas away from home or be returning to their families for the holiday. So advice that may seem obvious, like ensuring all appliances are turned off and the thermostat left set low before leaving the house for a week is worth giving.

Do not go away leaving brightly coloured packaging for electronic equipment or games sticking out of the waste bins since this may attract the attention of entirely the wrong sort of people. Set the alarms, put lights on a timer and maybe leave a radio tuned to a talk station. We all want to enjoy a relaxed Christmas and a call from the police to say there has been a break in or worse is about as far from relaxing as it is possible to get.

That is my recipe for a happy Christmas in a nutshell. A little Italian ‘gioia di vivere’ tempered by a little British common sense. So, before I break into my rendition of ‘O Sole Mio’, may I take this opportunity to wish you Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo… In 2023 I promise to write to you mostly in English!

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