
The Built Environment

Issue 101

Ben Pickard - Managing Director, Asbestos Audit

Tell us about your current role.

I currently oversee and manage Asbestos Audit Ltd. We are primarily an environmental consultancy specialising in asbestos with surveying, removal, earth work and demolition departments. My working day is a mixture of meetings, overseeing the teams and the odd day on site to keep my surveying skills fresh.

Tell us about your team.

We employ a team of over 45. Our headquarters is in the North East with regional smaller teams in Scotland, Midlands and the South coast.

Did you always envisage a career working in and around The Built Environment?

Initially, I was in the Army which had always been my dream. Unfortunately, I was injured in an accident and had to alter my plans, significantly. I trained in civil engineering while working at various surveying and construction related companies. Then, my better half, Alice, pushed me towards bettering myself and I undertook a Building Surveyors Honours Degree.

Then, like most in the asbestos industry, I fell into a junior asbestos surveyors’ role at what was White Young and Green and I’ve been doing it now for 23 years. I learnt a lot from a good team of people and this has helped me to create the company I have now. I don’t think anyone goes out wanting to work in asbestos everyone just seems to fall into it.

What are you currently working on?

We have always had a background in the asbestos part of Brownfield Site regeneration but we are looking to further our strategic goals by entering into new partnerships with Ergo Environmental, a likeminded company with a background in geotechnical and contamination work. This will allow us to grow the company to over 60 staff and increase our turnover and client base. Coupled with our new laboratory and accreditations, we are in a strong position to grow whatever the economic climate throws at us.

What is your proudest career achievement?

I think the proudest achievement to date is just knowing that I can leave the team we have built to crack on, if I’m away on holiday and simply not have to worry. Having support around you is critically important to company and personal career success.

What is your own favourite building?

We recently undertook surveys on the Tyne Bridge for Esh Group. Although it is looking a little battered and bruised by the English weather and a multitude of users, the building is iconic of the North East and will continue to be for centuries to come.

How do you see your industry evolving over the next 10 years?

The day-to-day asbestos management and surveying work will continue for some time to come. I was told when I entered the industry that there wouldn’t be any asbestos left within 15 years. As it turned out the problem was very much underestimated. There is now a push into asbestos in soils and brownfield site work which we are embracing.

What does the future hold for your business?

We look to grow year-on-year and increase both our skills base and client offering. Ideally, I would like to grow the company to the point at which I can hand it over to the management team to run and take more of a back seat, allowing me to work on new ventures and capital streams.

Who would be your four ideal dinner guests?

Winston Churchill would be a good dinner guest. I don’t agree with his politics but anyone who can stir up a nation at a time of need and produce memorable speeches like he did, is certainly worth talking too. Richard Branson would be interesting. I find his story very interesting, and he is proof that you can achieve anything you want through success and failure. Elon Musk would be very fun to talk to but I’m still not sure if he’s overall good or bad (a bit like Batman). I would also invite Alan Hinkes, the British mountaineer. I saw him speak some years ago about conquering K2 and the challenges and personal strife he went through to get there.

How do you like to unwind?

I enjoy the gym and working out when I have time alongside short breaks and trips away. I tend to work six days a week most of the time which doesn’t leave a lot of time for much else.

Favourite Boxset?

I have just finished watching Fall Out which was great and just like the video game. The whole thing was very well done.

Favourite Book?

The Hobbit or anything by Terry Pratchett

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