
Transforming Businesses; Online, Offline, And Beyond

Issue 101

With the first quarter of this year nearly coming to an end, there is no better time than the present to share some exciting news about the launch of Marriott Communications' sister agency - MD Digital.

Created in partnership with Wesley Dowding, MD Digital is a change management, business consultancy, and modern workplace training provider; transforming businesses; online, offline, and beyond.

This is an exciting evolution for Marriott Communications, as with the development of our new agency we are now able to take a holistic approach to business support through the provision of services such as marketing and branding, to staff training (including Microsoft 365, Artificial Intelligence and Google Workspace), project management, and growth management.

It should come as no surprise that the importance of ‘being digital’ or ‘digitally present’ for businesses big and small has grown over the last few years, especially when considering the advancement of new technologies such as artificial intelligence. This has meant that businesses must adapt quickly to these changing landscapes, a feat not always easy, if at all possible, when a business’ interests means focus is often placed on growing sales and protecting profits in such economically challenging times.

MD Digital, in essence, will strive to fill these gaps or lack of digital flexibility, by providing real-time digital solutions tailored to a specific business and its digital needs.

Speaking with my Co-Founder, Wesley Dowding, he said: “Launching MD Digital was a natural step for me.

I have over 20 years of experience in marketing communications, SaaS, and productivity solutions, as well as the entrepreneurial experience of starting and building a multi-million pound business – so the challenges businesses and business owners are experiencing in the current climate are clear to see.

Businesses are experiencing an intricate series of challenges; from inflation, to staff retention issues, to failure to flexibly adapt to digital changes. A critical component of why this agency was launched was to enable businesses to adapt, overcome, and transform – without breaking the bank, and without being bogged down with complex digital jargon.

MD Digital specialises in enabling organisations, big and small, to make the most of their technology investments via a combination of training, change management, and project management. Whilst working alongside Marriott Communications, we aim for these two agencies to give our clients the opportunity to use our wrap-around business support services that analyses and improves nearly every function of a business.

It has been a pleasure to see the warm reception we have received so far for the launch of MD Digital, made even more special being that we have launched the agency in Sunderland, where not only has Marriott Communications seen so much success, but also as a city that is slowly becoming a creative and technological powerhouse located in the heart of the North East.”

Find out more information about our specialist services by contacting our team at

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