
Marketing And Media Matters

Issue 105

Caroline Marsden - Director of PR & Marketing Consultancy C&J Media

Did you always envisage a career in PR & Marketing?

I’ve always been a creative person. When I was at school I wanted to go into the media industry as a TV news reporter.

After graduating from Newcastle University, I joined Granada Television in Manchester. I worked in production as a runner on a variety of sports, news and entertainment shows.

I then moved into PR when a friend mentioned a PR and Marketing agency was looking for a trainee PR Executive and thought it might suit me.

What has been your career path so far?

After leaving Granada Television I started my first PR role at The Charles Walls Group in Leeds and then made the move in-house to work for Mamas & Papas.

During my mid 20s I took a break to go travelling and worked for Emap Publishing in Sydney on an entertainment magazine. When I returned to the UK, I worked agency and client side, spending over eight years at RBS/NatWest in the bank’s corporate and commercial PR and Marketing team. I worked there during the banking crisis and Government rescue which was a challenging time.

When the bank was undergoing major restructuring, I took voluntary redundancy which gave me the push I needed to set up on my own. This has been the best decision I ever made.

Although I’m a specialist in financial and professional services PR having worked for private equity, banking and accountancy firms for the past 20 years I also work with a variety of other sectors including healthcare and EV.

What has been the biggest challenge you have faced so far?

Balancing the birth of my son Ben with my business. C&J Media was in its early days, and I’d just secured a large contract. I was determined to continue and grow the business. It was quite a balancing act. It was also a steep learning curve leaving a large corporate environment to become self employed but I’ve enjoyed every minute and my business has thrived. Much of my work comes from referrals and I enjoy working with a variety of companies across the UK.

Who do you respect most in your industry?

I admire all agency owners and freelancers out there. It’s tough balancing the day to day work with the mechanics of running your own business but it’s very rewarding.

What is your greatest strength?

My ‘can do’ attitude. If something needs doing, I’ll find a solution and make sure it’s done properly. Likewise, if I think something isn’t going to work I’ll say so.

What is your biggest weakness?

Saying yes too much which can mean it’s hard to switch off.

What has been your proudest achievement?

Setting up my business and 14 years later it’s still going strong.

What are your future career aspirations?

I’m happy with how things are right now. I’ve got a good balance and am lucky to work with some great clients. I’m always open to talk to anyone who needs some help with their PR and Comms strategies, whether it be a one off project or long-term. I love writing and keep saying one day I’ll write a book so who knows maybe I’ll do it one day.

How do you see your industry evolving?

The media landscape is constantly evolving, changing how we access news. It’s important to adapt your PR and marketing strategies accordingly. AI is a big factor – technology will play a big role in the future. Hopefully we won’t be all replaced by AI and the benefits of dealing with real people with continue!

How do you like to unwind?

I love to keep fit and spend time with my family. Exercise clears my mind whether I’m running, cycling, doing Pilates or walking my dog. I have a teenage son, so my weekends tend to be spent driving him to various sports activities. He plays cricket and rugby, so summer and winter are both very busy!

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