
There Is A Big Difference Between Eating Healthily And Eating To Lose Weight

Issue 56

If you are trying to lose weight and you are not succeeding, what you are doing is simply not working, therefore you need to work out where you are going wrong.

You may think because you are eating relatively healthy food you should be losing weight, this is where you may be going wrong. The facts are simple, if you are burning off more calories than you are consuming, you will lose weight. I don’t want you to count calories, none of my clients do, you just need to look into things a little further.

Most people perceive eg porridge, brown bread, brown rice and sweet potatoes as pretty healthy and you would be 100% right, they contain very little fat, sugar and salt. You would therefore expect to drop weight, here lies the problem – this food is taken in as carbohydrate and although has minimal fat content, if you do not burn it off through your day to day living or exercise, it will eventually be stored as fat.

If you are looking to lose weight i would suggest you keep a food diary. You can then check on the amount of carbohydrate based foods you are having, you may be shocked. Look to cut your portions right down and add more protein foods eg lean meats or fish. Or you could replace them with less calorie based foods, here are just a few examples of everyday changes you could make to help weight loss.

-Eat smaller portions, I suggest buying smaller plates.

-Replace porridge/cereals with eggs/omelette for breakfast.

-Replace concentrated sugar-laden orange juice, with water or herbal tea.

-Replace traditional rice with cauliflower rice more green vegetables or salad.

-Cut out your lunchtime sandwich, replace it with home made soup or protein based salad eg chicken, turkey – make sure there are no sauces, just add lime or lemon for moisture.

As far as im concerned, the biggest and quickest results will happen if you can follow the above, but more importantly, cut out refined sugar or as I call it, white death.

The same goes for your training, walking 3-4 times a week is fantastic for your health but is not the best for weight loss. If you can combine healthy natural food, with a fitness programme that is varied and consistently pushes you out of your comfort zone, it will accelerate your weight loss, improve your posture, self esteem and general outlook on life.

It’s a very short time out of your life to focus and get to where you want to be, but it will be worth it and your life will become so much happier.

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