
Lumo Partners With Metrocentre To Launch Summer Rail Safety Initiative

Issue 103

North East train operator, Lumo, has partnered with Metrocentre, to launch a rail safety initiative, helping to raise awareness of the dangers of trespassing on the railway.

Throughout the summer, Lumo will take over Metrocentre’s mini express train to highlight the issue of rail safety to families and children visiting the shopping centre during the school holidays – when trespassing on the railway can be at its worst in the region. As well as a timely reminder of the dangers of trespassing, a mini station will be based in the Platinum Mall to remind people to stay safe by staying behind the yellow line at railway stations when trains arrive and depart.

Between 2023-24, latest Network Rail figures show there were 2,578 incidents of trespassing recorded on the East Coast Main Line, with 396 of them involving children. These incidents endangered a significant number of lives, as well as causing 21,708 minutes of delayed trains – that’s 15 days in total and countless individual delays to people travelling on those trains. Nationally, statistics show at least two people risk their lives on the railway every hour.

Jen Clare, Service Delivery Director at Lumo, said: “Trespassing not only endangers lives but also results in delays and cancellations that ripple through the entire rail network.

“Our partnership with Metrocentre aims to raise awareness about the dangers and potential consequences of trespassing on the railways. By engaging with the community in with this family friendly approach, we hope to educate and encourage safe behaviours, ultimately reducing incidents and enhancing safety for all.”

Gavin Prior, Metrocentre Centre Director also commented: “We are keen to support this initiative and help to raise awareness of the issues during our busy summer months. This is a fun and informative campaign with a serious message which will educate children and their families.”

This initiative by Lumo coincides with Network Rail’s latest timely reminder of the dangers of trespassing on the railway, with cases twice as likely during the summer months.

Ivy Yeung, Network Rail’s East Coast Route Crime Manager, said: “It’s great to support Lumo using Metrocentre’s much-loved mini express train to help us get our important railway safety message to its young passengers. With thousands of people risking themselves by straying onto the tracks each year, its crucial we get through to as many people, of all ages, to make them aware of the real risks of the railway, and that it’s never a place to play.”

Working with learning provider Rail Safe Friendly, Lumo also provides online rail safety training programmes to almost 50 schools in the North East, which seeks to educate young people on the risks of trespassing on the railways.

Stuart Heaton, Managing Director of Rail Safe Friendly and Learn Live, said: “We are delighted to be working with Lumo. Through their support we will be able to reach even more children with vital rail safety awareness with the aim of saving lives and preventing injuries on the country’s rail network and in yards, depots and sidings.

“It is crucial that children receive vital knowledge at a young age, to keep them rail safe. The Rail Safe Friendly programme seeks to educate children and young people on the many dangers that are present on the railway.”

Malcolm Carr, Teacher at Broadwood Primary School, one of the schools who have benefitted from Lumo and Rail Safe Friendly’s training programme, said: “The children of Broadwood Primary School were proud to play their part in promoting the campaign against trespass on the railway.

“They were fully engaged with the training and talked a lot about how it affected their lives, also taking what they had learned out to the community and sharing this with friends and family. If this message saves one life over the holidays, then it will have been worth it.”

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