
Losing The Summer Pounds

Issue 51

Now that the summer months are over many of you will be looking to get back into a fitness routine and maybe lose a few pounds gained over the summer months

Mental toughness is probably not the first thing that you would think about when starting a weight loss or fitness programme – yet learning to stay mentally strong and therefore disciplined, is vital to achieving and sustaining your targets. With twenty years experience as a personal trainer there are not many excuses I haven’t heard. Do these sound familiar??

-It was someone’s birthday at work, so I had to have some cake. I had a desert last night but I only had one bite.

-I’m tired plus I’ve had a busy day, think I will give the gym a miss tonight. One biscuit a day wont make any difference.

-I’ve been good all week so I will just eat what I want at the weekend.

-I can’t drink my tea or coffee without sugar.

-I always have a take out at the weekend.

-I train four times a week so I can eat what I want.

If you are constantly trying to lose weight, which I know many people who read my column are, some people have been trying for months/years and see little or no change – you need to have a reality check and understand that what you are doing, is simply not working.

You need to make small changes to your everyday lifestyle, write your food down and analyse where you are going wrong. In many cases cutting a few unhealthy, everyday foods from your diet and replacing them with a healthy alternative, will make all the difference. Another area to cut back on is alcohol, two glasses of wine per day adds up to 110,000 calories a year. Stay mentally strong, keep your healthy food and exercise consistent and changes will happen.

Of course there will be times when you may struggle and other people will try to push you to eat or drink the wrong things. Take pride in saying no, you are doing this for yourself, therefore stay mentally focused. Each time you say no, you become stronger and more positive.

Remember anyone can eat and drink that’s easy, the ones who stay strong, will see changes and inspire themselves to push on to quicker and better results.

Mental toughness is something you can learn, as you train. Pushing out of your comfort zone is hard but everyone can do it at their own level. Next time you are training and you feel you have reached your maximum, remember its mind over matter, believe in yourself. Your body can do way more than you think.

As you repeat this over time you will learn to train your mind and push your body further – its a great way to stay focused, get in the zone and you will leave with a sense of achievement.

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