
Here Comes The Summer

Issue 36

Summer holiday's are nearly upon us and YES you still have time to make changes and look good for the beach. Your life, not just your shape can be transformed in a matter of weeks, its never too late to make changes and break an unhealthy lifestyle.

Positivity and a strong will to put a structure in place will give you that feel good factor both physically and mentally moving forward.

Here are a few tips how can this be achieved:

-Cut out refined sugar or as I call it ‘white death’ this will make a huge difference to your waistline, energy levels and stop those afternoon tiredness slumps.

-Change your shopping list by adding as much fresh natural food as possible, in other words, what we are designed to eat. Lean meats, fish, vegetables, salad, eggs and water is the way forward.

-Over 20 years of training clients, the most natural way of eating known to man has never failed. Its all about consistently eating well, this will make a big difference leading up to your holiday.

– Two glasses of wine a day amounts to a massive 110,000 calories a year equivalent to 31lbs of fat. If you want to make big changes and be totally focused, this needs to go. You can see how easily things add up, even over a few weeks never mind months, years and decades.

-Adding exercise alongside your new food regime will have a massive impact. Not sure where to start? Seek advice, we run six week body transformation courses as part of our full well being programme. These sessions are popular for a reason, because they work.

Is this another year where you feel self conscious on the beach or are you going to change it? Start now and put a plan in place which will make you feel fantastic and regain your self confidence, those who want it badly enough do it!

David’s summing up: ‘If you want to feel fit and confident this summer – what are you waiting for!!’

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