
Go Slow!

Issue 77

The Ooni Pizza oven is positioned outside, in the freshest of air, by The Garden Studio at Old Post Office Holiday Studios in Northumberland. It takes time to fire u

Then there’s weighing the ingredients (all provided, of course). And kneading the pizza dough by hand. Leaving it to rise. Hand rolling it. And dressing each-and-every pizza you make. One. By. One.

Stopping to turn the vinyl over slows you down even more. But that’s exactly the point. Holiday Studio owners Lisa and Mychael designed things that way.

Building a Brand

When you’re building a brand, it’s important to focus not only on what you do – but what you’re for. Yes, Old Post Office First Class Holiday Studios are brilliant spaces to escape to. But what they’re for is to slow you down. To remind you that your downtime is not something to shoehorn into life. Downtime is life.

3 consecutive Airbnb ‘Superhost’ award winners. 23 consecutive 5-star reviews.

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