
Your Eye On The Region

Issue 76

CHRIS MURRAY Chief Operating Officer, Gray Fox Consulting

Did you grow up in the North East or did you decide to locate here in later life?

I’m originally from Newcastle, grew up in Gateshead and now live in Gosforth.

What do you think it means to be a business person in the North East of England?

From a regional point of view our strong business community is apparent. It is a supportive environment to work within. The region’s infrastructure is expanding and with customers in London and across the UK, we have easy access to them.

What is your favourite place to visit in the North East?

Bamburgh is one of my top spots. I also think you can’t beat Newcastle Quayside – day or night, there is always a lively atmosphere with some great locations to wine and dine. We also have great cultural venues within the city, The Sage and The Baltic being prominent examples.

Where do you like to eat out?

I always have a great experience dining out at Six at the top of the Gateshead Baltic, while Broad Chare and Café 21 on the Quayside, are also two of my favourite restaurants.

Do you think living and working in the North East offers the same opportunities as elsewhere?

I don’t think it did in the past but the landscape is definitely changing and will continue to change. The recent takeover of Newcastle United will attract more investment into the city and this will overflow into the region.

Have you had any experience of working elsewhere and how did it compare?

Yes. I have been fortunate to work in Zurich, Prague, Amsterdam and I have worked across the UK. I have an affinity with Zurich as it had a familiar feel to Newcastle and the Quayside. It is a relaxed city where the people are friendly and there is a warm community spirit.

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