
Why Are We Drawn To The People Who Can Create Change But Not Those Creating The Change?

Issue 106

Why do we bow down to privilege but not kindness?

Whilst we enable people to make kind choices and take kind action, Kind Currency is driven by the need to ensure social justice for the individuals and businesses in society we depend on and create a shift in society to ensure need is a priority over greed.

Our Kindness Fund supports nurses, carers, volunteers, frontline essential workers that are living in deprivation. And there’s many! The 60% of individuals who are living in-work poverty, are mainly in roles that society depends on, without them our society would collapse. When we are at our most vulnerable, we need them. Their contribution to society and the economy is far greater than those who can create change.

But we chose to leave them to suffer and bow down to those who we do not need and create our unhealthy wants, to those that can create change but do not.

Celebrating and supporting the individuals at the grassroots of society working night and day creating change is vital to protecting the future.

Individuals who aren’t talking about it, they are leading grassroot organisations meeting the real needs in society. It’s why our podcast Unfudging the World – The Real Heroes, shares the stories of the people in society that are literally saving lives and changing the world. Their contribution to society and the economy is far greater than those in more privileged situations, those we continue to bow down who are not using their position to make a real difference.

There are so many amazing organisations out there that serve our real needs, but we are still chasing the organisations that fuel greed. You don’t see change-making grassroot organisations going for B Corp status they are too busy delivering kindness, making real change, and having a substantial impact on society. They are action and impact lead. They are human, nature and environmentally focused, nothing else matters. They are not driven by policies or statements; they are driven by saving lives and protecting us all. It’s why we celebrate organisations that ACT kind. It’s about the doing!

Recently I shared two stories, one of Richard Branson, inviting Alan Bates (post office master and absolute social justice warrior) to his island to officiate their wedding. This got much attention. But Richard can do this, it was kind, and it was kind action we like to celebrate, but when we think of Richard’s position, he could have done a lot more to support Alan and the post masters, but he hasn’t. It was also great PR for his personal brand. The other story was of a gentleman who had worked at the grassroots of society all his life, making a difference not because he was able to do so but because he lived his life consciously regardless of position or privilege, he chose to protect others. When lady luck fell into his life, he immediately responded by using the money to help others, not a tiny gesture, a significant opportunity for many. This story got far less attention.


Because we chase those that can create change but not those creating the change. We bow down to privilege rather than kindness.

Imagine if the kind people we fail to celebrate, and fail to support just stopped helping us, making a difference, and creating the change needed?

Those who can create the change won’t be there to help you when you are at your most vulnerable.

When we say we are enabling us all to make kind choices and take kind action, it is to help us all, help you. We need to support the organisations that are kind, we need to protect the people who are saving the world daily with their kindness.

Shifting our attention to those creating the change, those protecting you, society, nature, and the environment.

Chase the change makers!

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