
Time To Recruit?

Issue 36

At the point a business is ready to expand and take on its first employee, there are some essential "Dos” and "Don'ts” the discerning employer will need to be aware of.

Effective hiring starts with a well-planned recruitment process. The focus should be on providing sufficient information to future employees to allow them to prepare for an interview and fully understand the role. By setting out a pre-prepared job description and person specification this will allow an employer to prepare and tailor their interview questions.

Here, Deb Tweedy of Hadrian HR explores the first 10 considerations of recruitment.

Pay Scales. This will be dependent upon the job requirements and experience. Whilst this may sound all too obvious it is essential that pay scales are benchmarked against industry averages. If you are operating in a low-cost market you may wish to pay national minimum wage. If you are paying for qualifications and experience you will need to understand the pay rates of your competitors to be able to attract potential candidates.

Advertising. It is essential to advertise effectively to avoid wasted costs. Do you have time to sift through CVs or would it be better to use a trusted recruitment agency? Selection. When selecting your potential candidate ensure you follow a carefully designed selection process which demonstrates validity, reliability, sensitivity and practicability.

Recruitment. Ensure your employee has the legal right to work in the UK and obtain the relevant paperwork.

Insurance. Ensure you have up to date employers’ liability insurance in place.

HMRC. Notify HM Revenue & Customs of your intention to employ up to four weeks in advance of making your first salary payment.

Statement of Terms/Contract. The employee has the statutory entitlement to receive a written statement of particulars within two months of commencing employment. The statement must include the following information:

The names of the employer and employee;

Job title and description of work; Place of work, including details of any mobility clause, and the employer’s address;

The date the job role/employment commences, including any continuous employment (e.g. where this is an internal promotion);

Rate of pay and frequency of payment;

Hours of work, including normal working hours and compulsory overtime;

Holiday allowance (including public holidays) Rules relating to sickness or injury and sick pay;

Pension arrangements; Disciplinary rules and procedure;

The name of a person to whom an employee can apply with any grievances regarding their employment;

Length of notice required by both parties;

Any other important/essential contractual terms.

Induction. Ensure you provide a good induction programme to reinforce your early expectations and provide employees with on the job training, health and safety obligations, risk assessments, fire hazards etc.

Performance Management. By carefully tailoring a performance management system to your business needs you can ensure you obtain the best from your people assets. Auto Enrolment. Be sure to notify the pension’s regulator of your new employee. You now have a legal obligation to pay employee contributions from day one.

Data Protection. Under the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 you have a legal obligation as a controller to protect your employees’ data. Ensure you register with the Information Commissioners Office as a data controller and check out the website to fully understand your obligations, implement staff training etc.

If you wish to become an employer of choice there is a vast array of other benefits or rewards that can be implemented without costing the earth.

Hadrian HR is an employment advisory team with specialist knowledge in both employment law and human resource management. Its team of HR specialists are on hand to provide advice on creating an equal environment for employees, with consultancy advice ranging from one off contracts to a full audit of current policies and provision of customised contracts and handbooks.

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