
Three Steps To Optimise Your Energy And Climate Strategy

Issue 85

COP27 is nearly upon us, and businesses have an important role to play in the fight against climate change. The primary weapon a business has to combat their climate impact is energy efficiency. There is a clear interdependence between the carbon emissions and the energy efficiency of any business.

We see this clearly as we guide hundreds of companies through energy reduction plans. Energy efficiency is the key to sustainability, both for a business’ long-term economic viability and the longevity of the planet. As we prepare for COP27 here are three ways businesses can prepare and optimise how they undertake and ultimately achieve their climate and energy efficiency goals.

1. Invest in and leverage energy and carbon data technology

Since our inception, we have believed that technological innovation will be an integral part of transitioning organisations to greener and more sustainable operations.

Energy data is the hidden key to unlocking an untapped world of possibilities for reduced energy waste, greater operational efficiency, and improved sustainability for businesses.

We encounter several business leaders who are passionate about net zero, but face uncertainty on how to achieve it because carbon and energy data is insufficient or completely absent from their purview.

Energy and carbon data systems make this data readily accessible. With them, businesses can establish their baseline carbon emissions and energy consumption levels. This data provides a comprehensive picture of the carbon emitted and energy consumed by the business through its daily operations. This, too, will prepare businesses to embrace any new legislation and policies born out of COP27 in November 2022.

2. Measure and report climate impact

Reporting will also play a crucial role. Investors, stakeholders, and consumers increasingly demand to know how a business’ activity and operation impacts the environment. Investors especially are keen to know this data as part of the adoption of Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) metrics in their assessments of investable businesses.

Businesses are faced with various reporting obligations for their energy use and carbon emissions. On top of ESG reporting standards and metrics, organisations are required to follow several schemes, including the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS), the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) scheme and the framework for the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TFCD). Despite the efforts to bring clarity to each of these, the task to satisfy these schemes is onerous for many businesses.

Reliable climate impact reporting has to look at the financial integrity of the company, its impact on the environment and vice-versa. Without this, financial institutions cannot assess the sustainability of a company properly.

The expanding need of climate-related reporting requirements – pertaining to a business’ carbon emissions and financial risks – has opened a market for sustainability consultants to assist businesses on these tasks. Sustainability consultants and energy managers act as your guide through the latest environmental legislation and best practice within our industry. These individuals are highly trained in ESG reporting frameworks so you can produce highquality reports that meet global standards for transparency while also being fully compliant with all relevant national authorities.

Effective implementation and monitoring of your carbon emissions reduction strategy is crucial for delivering your organisation’s sustainability goals.

3. Mobilise capital to finance energy and climate strategies

The green transition requires significant financing. Governments are called upon to front much of the bill. Unfortunately, as with most things done at the governmental level, promised capital and investments take longer or fail to materialise. Therefore, the private sector and businesses should take all possible opportunities to mobilise capital to finance energy and climate strategies. Businesses are rewarded by these efforts through increased consumer trust, investor interest, and operational efficiency. Most importantly, they will be prepared to adapt to policy recommendations stemming from COP27.

Well-guided capital allocation and investments play fundamental roles in enabling businesses to follow through on their net zero and energy efficiency improvements targets. Additionally, green financing schemes exist to support businesses who invest in smart and clean energy technologies.

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