
Responsible Business In The North East

Issue 110

On 25th January Just Wiliams hosted the North's first Responsible Business Conference in partnership with Northumbria University, Newcastle Business School.

An idea and conversation that stemmed back a year ago when Dr Alex Hope and I mused over the journey Just Williams had taken to become a certified B-Corp.

We wanted to bring an accessible and independent view to this rather confused landscape and help support businesses on their journey – and the Responsible Business Conference or RBC as we now call it, was born.

The term itself breeds confusion with over 15 separate definitions (I stopped looking at this point, so no doubt there are many more). A responsible business according to the ORB (Organisation for Responsible Business) is a business that operates efficiently and effectively; meets and exceeds legislation; and always considers its impact on people (the workforce, the community and society at large) and the environment.

For us at Just Williams who are a proud B-certified business – it’s taking a valuesbased approach where profits, people, planet and purpose align. In fact, when we asked our audience, which comprised of business owners, senior managers, and a strong representation from three of the region’s universities – the answers were all in fact different. But we started the conversation and provided a platform for discussion and Ive always been an action over words kind of girl! However, many of the attendees had already begun their journey, so our challenge for next year is how do we ensure those who haven’t, attend and engage. Suggestions welcome…

Our speakers covered a broad range of subjects with panelists, key notes and even a ‘fireside chat’ hosted by Northumbria’s Vince Robson. From the Greggs pledge with Head of Sustainability, Paul Irwin-Rhodes to Data being the new single use plastic with Sharon Sinclair – Williams. We covered a plethora of subjects and asked all delegates to take one key action from the day and to move forward on their own Responsible Business pledge. Here’s a few;

Embed ESG into our Strategy.

Reduce single use plastic in the office.

Grow Living Wage movement in the North East and Tees Valley.

Complete Carbon Literacy Training.

Consider Digital Footprint and Digital Waste.

Robert Swan famously said “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that somebody else will save it” which was one of the key actions taken away by one of our delegates with the action saying in no uncertain terms ‘Take Responsibility’.

Bringing together over 60 organisations and individuals to talk, share, network and learn is powerful – it’s taking action and for that we are both enormously proud. Next steps for the RBC are to hold regular roundtables and get togethers to continue the conversation and to once again host a Responsible Business Conference in 2026. If you want to get involved – get in touch.

You can’t be what you can’t see and so we at Just Williams along with the team at Northumbria University continue to celebrate, champion and support all those choosing to take the path of being a Responsible Business. For Responsible business is not just ethical—it’s a long-term strategy for success, and sustainability and inclusivity must be embedded into governance, not just initiatives.

Imagine if we could be the first region in the UK renown for Responsible Business and further still – what would a responsible region look like?

Additional Resources available…

Real Living Wage Movement.

Business in the Community.

Northumbria University – Newcastle Business School – The Business Clinic.

B-Corp Certification and Impact Assessment.

Just Williams – Sales and Marketing

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