
Recruitment Tips

Issue 50

Here at Howie White, we'd like to think we know a thing or two about recruitment, and along the way have picked up a few tips that we thought we'd share.

Know what you are looking for – sounds simple, but it goes beyond the job title. Ensuring that you have a clearly defined role along with required experience and qualifications makes the recruitment process smoother and simpler. This will also help to ensure that your trusted recruiter can offer the best possible shortlist for interview. Fully brief your recruiter – when working with new clients, at Howie White, we want to get an understanding not just of the role to fill, but the culture in which the new employee is to fit. We also work to gain an understanding with you of ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ for the role.

Take Your Time – If the process is too quick, you won’t always get the best candidates, too slow and you run the risk of losing exceptional candidates to another business. Have Strong Branding – in recent times, online presence is gaining more and more importance, it allows the business to shine and demonstrate its accolades but also allows a candidate a keen insight into the business which can determine their interest.

Cultural fit – this is a term that is gaining in usage and is becoming quite vital to both employers and employees. It is starting to become as central to employers to recruit the candidate that not only fits the role but the company.

Mishandling unsuccessful candidates – this is something we hear quite often. There seems to be a growing trend for both employers and recruiters to avoid giving feedback to unsuccessful candidates. In some instances, it may have been a long process that has required great effort from the candidate, and they deserve to understand why they have not been successful in securing the role. With the feedback, be honest but sensitive. If it was just a cultural fit, tell them so.

Involving employees in the recruitment process – This is can be very beneficial. It can alleviate some pressure from senior management and allows you to gain a second opinion from a different angle.

Plan for the Future – plan ahead when recruiting, look for a candidate with a great reputation in the market, one who has made good decisions and furthered their career. Recruit each position with the mindset that they are the future of your business.

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