
Question: What Does Ammar Mirza Really Do? Answer: Everything He Can!

Issue 106

When you ask Ammar Mirza what he does, you'll likely get the same response every time: "Everything I can." And that's not an overstatement.

Ammar’s life revolves around giving back, whether it’s through volunteering, supporting charities, serving as a non-executive director, or mentoring businesses. His work is driven by a deep sense of purpose, and it’s clear that his motivations are pure, despite the scepticism that sometimes surrounds such efforts.

“It’s unfortunate,” Ammar reflects, “that we live in a society where people can be suspicious of good intentions. They ask, ‘Why is this person volunteering? Why do they give away so much of their time? What’s their angle?’ It’s as if people can’t believe that you’d do something without expecting something in return.”

But for Ammar, it’s simple: he believes that life is short and precious, and every day is an opportunity to make a positive impact. For more than 20 years, Ammar has devoted himself to charity work, supporting the community, and mentoring businesses, often expecting nothing in return. He admits that while it’s always nice to receive a thank you, his motivation comes from something deeper—a love for his region and the people in it.

In 2014, Ammar was awarded a CBE by Her Majesty the Queen for services to business and the community. But, as Ammar humbly points out, this recognition didn’t come because he sought it. “You don’t apply for a CBE,” he says. “You’re nominated confidentially without you knowing by others, people who see the impact you’re making and believe you deserve recognition.” That recognition which follows a rigorous vetting process and can take years, however, hasn’t changed Ammar’s approach or motivations. He has however, gone on to submit numerous award submissions for others that are worthy of recognition.

Ammar was the first North East-born Asian to receive a CBE, a title he proudly carries. “I consider myself a Geordie Asian,” he says, “and I’m passionate about using my platform to promote inclusion and diversity. It’s something I’ve been an outspoken ambassador for my entire life. It’s not about one group over another – it’s about everyone working together. Black and white, male and female – we’re stronger when we support one another.”

Ammar’s dedication to inclusion and community-building isn’t just about words – it’s about action. Over the years, he’s held countless directorships, been involved with numerous charities, social enterprises, and community groups, all with the goal of improving social and economic mobility. He’s worked hard to ensure that opportunities are available to those who may have been overlooked. “I’ve not had all the life chances others have had,” he shares, “but I’ve gone out and created my own opportunities. That’s why I’m so committed to helping others do the same.”

His journey hasn’t been easy. Ammar’s working life started at just 10 years old, when he worked in a corner shop to help his mother feed and clothe the family. From those early beginnings, he’s worked in a variety of roles, constantly learning and improving himself. After stints in London with the British Council and managing operations in the IT sector, Ammar returned to the North East, dedicating himself to the region’s economic and social development.

“Ammar hasn’t forgotten where he came from,” … “He’s experienced real hardship, including poverty and hunger. But those experiences are what fuel his passion for giving back. He doesn’t do it for recognition—he does it because he knows what it’s like to struggle, and he wants to help others avoid those same difficulties.”

Education, Ammar says, is at the heart of that mission. “It’s in my blood,” he says. “Education is the key to unlocking opportunities for people. If we can make young people feel valued, special, and give them the tools they need to succeed, we can change lives.”

So, while people may wonder what drives Ammar, his answer remains clear: he’s doing everything he can to help others. “At the end of the day,” Ammar concludes, “I do have an agenda – to encourage, to inspire, and to elevate others. There is nothing more rewarding for me in life than seeing others succeed. If I can create opportunities for people who wouldn’t otherwise have them, then I’m doing my part.”

And for Ammar, that’s more than enough.

Ammar Mirza CBE interviewed by Graham Courtney.

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