
Post-holiday Blues?

Issue 104

Bryony Gibson, director of Bryony Gibson Consulting, talks about the fear of returning to work and how to know if a new job is right for you.

Returning from a sun-soaked break to a sinking dread to face the daily grind can be a sign it’s time for change. If you’re not sure whether you’re pining for more sun or it’s the thought of work that’s giving you postholiday blues, then here is some advice on how to gain clarity and what to do next.

Identify the Signs of Discontent

Ending a relaxing vacation often sharpens feelings of unease at work. As a recruiter, I regularly speak to people in this predicament, especially in the accountancy sector, where the job market is driven by the limited availability of highly skilled professionals.

Even though people know they are unhappy about heading back into the office, fear of taking a risk holds them back. It’s no surprise really, as staying where you’re comfortable is far easier than acting on the signs and taking a leap of faith into the relative unknown.

Embrace the Thrill of Change

Currently, I am working with several accountancy firms that are seeking talented people. With a shortage of great candidates, the transition from job search to offer can be astonishingly swift. The rapid pace at which firms move can be unsettling if the thought of leaving your comfort zone is intimidating.

At work, when you feel secure and in control, your self-confidence grows. Delivering results consistently can enable you to shape your environment and enhance your work-life balance. This is an enviable position, but if you’re driven by personal growth and learning, standing still can quickly lead to restless dissatisfaction.

Evaluate New Opportunities

So, how do you determine if a new job is the right one for you? The truth is, you can never be 100% certain. Every change in your life, whether moving house, switching jobs, or trying a new restaurant, carries some risk. Yet, you can mitigate it with a careful and considered approach.

Understand your Motivations: Do you know what’s making you unhappy in your current role? What do you want to change in your working life? Have you attempted to address any issues with your employer?

Believe in Yourself: Are you confident you can showcase your skills to your potential new employer as effectively as you have to your current one?

Be Strategic: There is no room for panic when weighing up a career move. Stay calm and level-headed and make a list of the pros and cons of your options. Think short and long term. Include your current role and drill down on the details. Make sure to address the core reason you want to change. Don’t be afraid to take advice from trusted friends and confidants.

Live a Life Without Regret

Having spent a lot of time with people who stay in unfulfilling jobs out of fear of the unknown, my advice is to put your emotions aside and evaluate the situation objectively.

Ask yourself if the new opportunity excites you more than your current role. Moving on is a big and brave decision, particularly if you’ve been with the same company for a long time. However, if your passion has faded and you’ve done your due diligence, what do you have to lose?

Returning from your summer holiday is the perfect time to reassess your career. So, if the thought of going back fills you with anxiety, use the moment to gauge if a change is for the best.

Most of all, remember that you only live once. Seize the moment, embrace the thrill of change, and embark on a journey towards a job that truly excites you.

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