
Navigating Organisational Change

Issue 100

with Scott Smith, People Spark Solutions

Scott, you grew up in the North East, studying at Northumbria University and working in large organisations before launching People Spark Solutions in 2020. Tell us about your journey so far.

My career starting in banking. Following the financial crisis, there was a need for rapid and sustainable change. I have been through many transformation programmes, some great in terms of their sustainability and positive impact.

Now, you work with clients in businesses of all sizes in the North East and across the UK – what kind of change issues are they dealing with?

Change is an inevitable part of organisational growth and evolution – whether it’s adapting to market shifts, implementing new technologies, or restructuring teams. Change can be both invigorating and challenging as many of you will know – so it’s important that you feel empowered to support your team – and that you have the right support.

What is your approach to supporting clients through organisational change?

We support organisations going through change with coaching and mentoring, leadership and group or team development, and assess key drivers and strengths and weaknesses using psychometric assessments. These assessments provide valuable insights into personality, communication, conflict, and team dynamics – all of which can be assets or detractors in a transition period. For example, if a senior leader was struggling to generate buy-in for change, we can work with the team to identify the enablers and blockers.

Why is coaching and mentoring essential during periods of change?

It’s been proven that organisations that prioritise coaching and mentoring during periods of change experience higher employee engagement and smoother transitions – paving the way for an effective transition – no matter what the circumstances. Prioritising individual wellbeing whilst balancing organisational goals and resilience is the key to this – and that’s where coaching or mentoring can really help.

Why do 1:1 sessions make a difference?

One-on-one meetings play a pivotal role in maintaining employee morale and productivity during periods of uncertainty. It’s essential that leaders make space and time for open communication, feedback, and support to give employees a sense of stability and empowerment – and reduce stress – but it’s also useful for the leader as you can reinforce key messages, provide signposting and extra support.

What is the difference between coaching and mentoring, and which is more beneficial for change management?

Coaching is like having a skilled teammate who helps you set goals, learn new skills, and overcome challenges. Mentoring is like having a wise friend or advisor who shares their experiences and advice with you over time. In times of change at work, both coaching and mentoring are super important. Coaching can help you adapt quickly to new situations and build confidence, while mentoring can offer insights and support.

If you think you or your team could benefit from coaching or mentoring support to help you through a period of change, get in touch with for a no-obligation chat.

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