
My Weekend

Issue 77

JAMES PALMER Mindset Coach and a trustee of the charity, Leading Link

Here he tells us how he spends his weekends…

Do you ever have to work weekends?

I do, but generally I don’t mind. I’ve a distant background in the Police which involved lots of anti-social hours and shifts. So, for me that ”Friday night feeling” disappeared years ago. I think the secret is to enjoy what you’re doing, if you can do that, it no longer feels like work. Aside from my main work I help people, at no cost, who are really struggling with their mental health. I encourage these people to contact me at any time until they’re on the right path, which does happen over a weekend. I also get time on a weekend to work on my own projects that I’m involved with. I’m presently working on a mental health book aimed at helping those who have served their community or country in uniform. Even a simple smile or conversation can make a huge difference to someone.

Are most weekends the same?

You’d think the answer would be yes after all we are all creatures of habit. When I’m watching crime shows on the tv and they ask the question, ‘where were you at on such and such time and date?’. I’m thinking, ‘I wouldn’t have a clue’ but most people tend to do the same thing on the same night month after month. However, it doesn’t appear to be true for me. Last weekend for instance a tree fell on a power line, some roof panels came loose on an outbuilding, the guttering blew off the house and the water main sprung a leak! I’m glad that doesn’t happen every weekend!

Do you find it hard to switch off?

Luckily not, after years of working with people’s minds and their thinking, I’ve found many ways to easily switch off. It’s a necessity of the job.

What do you do on a weekend which you can’t fit in through the week?

I’m quite balanced in my routine, so I tend to get things done, especially if it’s something I enjoy doing. However sometimes I leave it until the weekend if they’re out of my control such as watching Rugby or Newcastle Utd.

Morning exercise or recovery lie in?

A bit of both, I’ll definitely do some exercise on at least one of the days, but I like a recharge or a lie in especially if I was out late the night before.

Prefer a big night out or a night in the house?

I love both! It’s hard to beat a good night out with friends but family time is also important, I guess it’s about ratios. One of the bad things about Covid was not being able to meet people face to face. I can see how this has impacted so many people, of all ages, including their mental health.

Do you watch sport at the weekend?

I love sport, I used to play lots when I was younger, particularly football and rugby. I still enjoy watching both but find it impossible to sit still when watching on it the television. A lot of my clients are sports people, some have gone on to represent at international level. Once the mind is focussed, its amazing what we can achieve, not just in performance but in injury recovery too. I’ll support these clients when I can or catch a local rugby match. I’m really excited by what’s happening at the Toon, it’s going to be great to watch positive attacking football again. Where do you like to eat out at the weekend? I got quite used to takeaways in the lockdowns, but it’s been great to get back out again and rediscover local places. My current favourites are the South Causey Inn and Bayberry Hollow in Tanfield.

How important is the weekend to you?

Every day is important and is something to be grateful for, but there is something special about weekends. For me it brings closure to the week, I’m big on planning and the weekend is my-plan-do review time. I also like reading; I set a small amount of time aside to read every day, but I get to read more over the weekend. I’ve just read two amazing books. The first is about coping with grief following bereavement, it’s called Sixteen Days, by Victoria Wilson-Crane. I found it useful in helping others. The second is Becoming the GOAT by Eleanor Baggaley, its aimed at empowering young people to take control of their lives and become more confident being themselves. As a trustee of Leading Link, I’m a huge supporter of anything positive like this for children and young people.

On a weekend you’ll usually find me most happy…

A three-way tie, catching up with friends old and new, usually with a beer, or food, or both! Our son recently moved out and it’s great when he comes to visit. If we’re on a long dog walk, we’ll often stop to take in a view, and I really do appreciate that view and all that nature gives us.

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