
Lawyer Of The Month

Issue 102

Andrew Brough - Managing Director and Costs Lawyer at Brough Partners in Newcastle.

What were your career ambitions growing up?

When I was in secondary school, I completed a work experience placement in a local accountancy firm which I really enjoyed, so thought I’d ultimately pursue a career as a Chartered Accountant or something similar. However, I ended up studying a joint honours degree in Accounting & Law at Newcastle University which presented many different career paths which I had not considered previously. I then ended up working as a Law Costs Draftsman for a national company for over a decade, before ultimately qualifying as a Costs Lawyer.

Tell us about your current role and what do you most enjoy?

As Managing Director and Costs Lawyer at Brough Partners, my role is certainly varied. As well as supporting a range of costs law cases in Court of Protection (COP), Inter Partes and Legal Aid, I also have responsibility for business operations including client liaison, file allocation and progress to completion to financial matters and staff training.

There are many parts of the role I enjoy such as helping to secure great outcomes for our clients and supporting and developing team members to achieve their full potential.

What is your proudest business achievement?

Looking back, it was leaving the comfort of a steady position with a firm I had worked with for over 10 years and taking the plunge of setting up in business. I’m really humbled and pleased that the business has continued to grow, with lots of repeat business from existing clients, which has allowed me to recruit, train and manage a small team.

How has your industry evolved in the last decade and what do you see in the next decade?

When I started my career, almost all files we worked with were on paper. However, our office and the majority of instructions we now receive are paperless files. So now, more than ever, as a company we are embracing new technology and adapting to the ongoing commercial needs of our clients.

What are you currently working on?

My current workload varies from a seven figure costs dispute concerning a medical negligence matter, to numerous ongoing civil Costs Budgets as well as many Legal Aid public to family law costs cases.

Tell us about the team you work with.

Aside from being the Managing Director of the business, my main role is that of being a member of our fantastic team – working together, exchanging ideas and supporting them and their ambitions. A large part of our brand and culture is also about personal development and training and helping our people achieve their goals and be the best they can be.

Following our recent appointments I’m proud to say we are now a team of six talented costs law specialists in Court of Protection (COP), Legal Aid and Inter Partes. We have also recently welcomed Ana Matos to the team as our new Head of COP too to support our growing client base.

What advice would you give to your 18 year old self?

Work hard and respect your elders.

What’s the best piece of business advice you have ever been given?

Build a sound foundation and grow slowly and carefully.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?

It would be great if the business has continued to make steady and ongoing progress over that time period, creating new opportunities for individuals joining us, whilst also providing an excellent customer experience for our solicitor clients. Also, I would still very much like to be involved in the overall strategic direction of the company, but hopefully the day-today management side will have been delegated by the time we get to 2034.

Who would be your four ideal dinner guests, alive or dead?

The Late Lord Denning – He had such a great legal brain, with a strong pursuit for social justice.

The Late Sir Bobby Robson – to see what it was like managing football clubs such as Barcelona, Newcastle United and the England national side.

Mike Tyson – to find out if he really is the baddest man on the planet!

The Late Freddie Mercury – A great singer and all-round entertainer.

How do you unwind outside of work?

Running, fell walking or gym workouts.

Favourite book or film?

Film wise…it would have to be Apocalypse Now!

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