
Is Your Board Performing The Way It Should?

Issue 92

Over the last few months, The Experience Bank Group has brought us news and information on how aspiring and existing NEDs, Trustees, Board Advisors and Consultants to Boards can better their own performance and understanding of the role through becoming a member of the EB1 peer group.

But whilst it is great to have people on your board that are excelling as individuals, some boards need further help to make sure they perform well and deliver what the shareholders need for the organisation.

Boards can have a number of issues that hinder performance including personalities, lack of accountability, little diversity, and poor communication, understanding clarity of roles.

The combined experience from founder of the Experience Bank Group, Peter Neal, who brings the right recruitment strategy, and from Andrew Marsh, board expert and experienced facilitator, the pair are well positioned to design and deliver board effectiveness evaluations and effectiveness reviews. Here Andrew explains both the need and the process.

“A board that truly adds value needs to be a group of high performing individuals, but it also needs to be more than that. A great board is a balanced team with complementary skill sets and a culture that allows them to work together to make the most effective decisions for an organisation. It is the full participation of every board member that contributes the most to the effectiveness of a board.

“Our purpose is to support business growth and entrepreneurialism in the region by building long-term, strategic relationships. Peter and I bring a great perspective backed with experience that means we are independent objective, sensitive, able to listen, straightforward, pragmatic and thorough.”

Each assignment is tailored to suit the client’s needs, and could include:

interview or questionnaire-based reviews

a review of board papers, meeting observations and in-depth, candid discussions

the provision of a detailed insight into the workings of the board

the identification of strengths and weaknesses the identification of the changes that will enable the board to achieve its full potential

a look to the future and identification of opportunities for improvement and development

a contribution to board succession planning

Peter concludes: “At the Experience Bank Group we offer an end to end solution for all individuals, companies and organisations committed to having the best boards and performance possible. From board level and executive recruitment, to helping individuals in our peer group, to evaluating performance and facilitating change for the better, we are making a big impact. Our philanthropic activity also means that start-up businesses can access board advisors for free from our large bank of professionals that includes some of the best leaders in the region.”

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