
Bni Northumbria's Support For The Three Tumours At Annual Awards Dinner

Issue 100

At its annual awards dinner, BNI Northumbria demonstrated unwavering support for The Three Tumours charity, raising an impressive £800 that was generously donated to the cause. Alexandra Brown, a trustee of The Three Tumours, expressed profound gratitude for BNI Northumbria's support, emphasising how it enables the charity to continue its mission of raising awareness about brain cancer and providing essential information, treatment support, and post-treatment care to individuals and families grappling with brain tumours.

BNI, a global networking organisation known as Business Network International, strives to connect businesses and cultivate mutually beneficial relationships. The BNI Northumbria chapter is recognised for its commitment to making a positive impact within its local community.

Established by individuals from the North East who have confronted their own battles with brain tumours, The Three Tumours charity is a platform for delivering crucial information on brain tumours, treatment options, and support for those impacted by the disease. Their focus extends beyond raising awareness to assist individuals in managing the aftereffects of brain tumour surgery, fostering a supportive community through social activities and shared experiences on their website.

With the aid of BNI Northumbria’s support, The Three Tumours can broaden its reach and assist more individuals affected by brain tumours, channelling the funds raised towards events, research initiatives, and resources for those in need. This collaboration exemplifies the impactful synergy between businesses and charitable organisations, highlighting how, together, they can significantly improve the lives of individuals confronting the challenges of brain cancer.

To discover more about The Three Tumours and their initiatives, visit their website at By joining hands, we can bolster their mission, raise awareness about brain cancer, and provide vital support to those navigating the complexities of the disease.

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