Experience Bank Group specialises in the identification and development of board level talent, and is particularly active in the recruitment of Chief Executives and Trustees for Charities. Here, founder Peter Neal, tells us why he does what he does, and about the latest roles for which he is looking for the perfect candidates.
“We all know that charities have limited unrestricted funds and resources, so for them to invest in anything there needs to be a compelling business case that shows a clear return on investment and positive contribution to impact.
“Because of this, and my commitment to helping organisations with purpose, I have developed an affordability-based service for charities that includes support with a boards skills matrix assessment, compilation of role and person specifications, compilation and design of candidate information pack, a carefully thought-through recruitment campaign, and access to the most comprehensive network of charity board level talent in the region.
“Whilst I have made this package highly competitive and good value, I also appreciate that some smaller charities may still find the full service unaffordable. It is my philosophy to help as many charities as possible and I have pledged to always look for a way to support if I can. I rarely say no, and will structure a level of support for charities with the tightest of budgets. We are all in it together, and those charities and organisations with purpose who can afford to invest in my full service will not only be helping themselves but also allowing me to support some of the much smaller, fellow charities those that can’t.”
Peter currently has a number of opportunities for leadership roles in charities across the region including:
Chief Executive (salary range £60k to £70k) for Tyne Rivers Trust, an organisation dedicated to improving the wellbeing of our rivers and people through education, tackling pollution, and practical conservation. The right person will be an individual who brings business and managerial expertise to TRT, and who is passionate about wanting to create a biodiverse environment for people and wildlife to thrive, now and for all time.
They are looking for someone regardless of age, background or experience who has: Proven experience in business and managing an organisation effectively; the ability to think innovatively, objectively and make sound decisions, without being afraid of new ideas; a collaborative spirit and a willingness to work effectively as part of a team and a strong commitment to improving our environment.
Think this would suit you and your skills? Get in touch. Or maybe you’d be more interested in:
Deputy Chief Executive (salary range £45k to £55k) for Reviving the Heart of the West End (RHWE) – this organisation is delivering an extraordinary level of holistic and personalised support to people in the West End of Newcastle, enabling them to make more informed choices and empowering them to take the steps towards getting the job they really want, exploring a selfemployment idea, or consider training or education opportunities.
The DCEO will be responsible for shaping, implementing and strengthening the organisation’s processes and infrastructure to support the Charity’s Strategic Plan and embed sustainable growth initiatives, ensuring compliance and regulatory requirements are met, delivering strong and sustainable service improvements, demonstrating direction and leadership to ensure high quality services. The DCEO must also demonstrate a robust understanding of the operational impacts on financial performance of each of the Charity’s services, ensuring that all operating policies, procedures and best practices are maintained, successfully promoting the Charity’s culture and vision. The DCEO must have relevant legal, commercial and financial acumen.
If this sounds like you, you can find the full details on Board Level Recruitment page of The Experience Bank Group’s website theexperiencebank.co.uk/board-levelrecruitment